Mama Left No Footprints

(I’m entering this in a contest, so please, critique away!)

Mama left no footprints

when she alighted last night.

Summoned by loons,

fireflies bright,

carried by moon

beams’ sterling heights—

Mama left no footprints

when she slipped in last night.

In silence she fluttered

aloft, mystical skies

spinning like silk

on my closed eyes.

Gently adrift

in crystal sighs,

my name softly uttered

to my wondrous surprise.

“My Baby,” she crooned,

purring soft as a whiff,

kissing my cheek

gently, as if

to speak would pique

my dreams, sifted

loose from laughter with loons’

whooping red-throated riffs.

She twisted thick tresses

darkly curling like hers.

Eyes somersaulted

lingering near

mine. Tasting salt,

tears dissolved years—

vanishing time precious

for a secret to share.


Bewilderment unfolds

Beryl eyes now confide:

I choose anew

breath—ours, yours, mine.

Her simple truth

with me abides

Still. New life beholdened,

emboldened—loathed she to die.

Warm like velvet her lilt

In the still of the night

Op’ning my heart,

my eyes, my sight.

Stigma unhearthed

from dungeons unbright

and disparaging guilt.

We—Lilith’s acolytes.

Mama left no footprints

when she tucked me in tight

with silv’ry moon,

fireflies bright,

and yodeling loons,

she kissed good night.

Mama left no footprints—

She subsumed with me life.

About Patti M. Walsh

A storyteller since her first fib, Patti M. Walsh is an award-winning author who writes short stories, novels, and memoirs. Her first novel, GHOST GIRL, is a middle-grade coming-of-age ghost story based on Celtic mythology. In addition to extensive experience teaching and counseling, Patti is a Hermes award-winning business and technical writer. Visit
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4 Responses to Mama Left No Footprints

  1. talebender says:

    A lovely tale, told poetically…..made me feel as if I were actually there.
    My only suggestion, given my love of rhythmic writing, would be to mind the flow into the final two lines of each stanza, so there’s no abruptness caused by consonants or extra syllables.


  2. gepawh says:

    Beautifully haunting! As Steve has suggested, you have a powerful use of words to tell your story.


  3. pales62 says:

    Terrific piece of writing. Your use of language left a footprint on me!


  4. JackoRecords says:

    Patty , really like the concept. email me the piece and I’ll put my flavor on it, if you don’t mind.


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