It is said that you can’t go home again, but I beg to differ. I am going home for the first time in many years, after working on an oil pipeline up in Nome, Alaska. It was hard, dangerous work, but I made a great deal of money with which I can improve my family home, when I return to see my loving mother.

Where is home? Macomb, Illinois It is the home of the Busy Bee Comb Company. One can’t miss their main office building. It has a huge dome with a gigantic replica comb perched on top.

The Macomb family died out many years ago. The company is now controlled by a man, named Baumand his family. Business goes on as it had for decades with barely any changes.

My family home is located a mile or so out of Macomb, surrounded by acres of fields with rich loam soil. As a child I would roam these fields over and over.

My dad passed away years ago. My mom is still alive and kicking at age ninety-two. She is spry as ever. She greets me at the door with a huge embrace. It is as though I have never been away. The smell of fresh-baked bread brings me immediately back to my childhood.

I ask mom about the Baum family. She says they are no damn good! She would never buy any comb with the Baum name on it. I ask why. She replies that a few years back there was a fire at the Macomb plant. Firemen had to use tons of foam to extinguish the burning cheap plastic combs. The plant has been rebuilt and production is back to pre-fire levels.

I spend the ensuing months in my old room, reminiscing with mom about the good old days. We often roam the fields around the house. It is an extremely happy time for us both – that incredible feeling of home.

After a time, repairs completed, my money starts to run out. Sadly, I prepare to return to Nome. I told mom that leaving home, as usual, is so very hard. I tell her. “It’s a long way home, but I’ll be back. I love you, my mom, I love you!”

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2 Responses to HOME AGAIN

  1. gepawh says:

    A touching tale! You capture, to my mind, that despite going home, that you can’t go home again! It’s never the same!,


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