And One for Heaven

Author note: This was written for a kidlit audience.

Every night when Piper said his bedside prayers, he would give thanks for his family and send good thoughts and wishes to the ill or anyone going through a difficult time, and he would end by blowing a kiss to the sky and say “and one for heaven.”

Piper’s parents Sarah and Tom always thought this was a cute ritual. Even though they didn’t teach it to him, they never asked what it meant or where he learned it. Sarah thought he learned it in Sunday School.  And Tom imagined he was sending a goodnight kiss to God. 

Piper lived on his family’s farm and when he was six, his father let him start feeding the pigs as his daily chore.  Piper loved the pigs and especially the piglets. He would smile watching them roll in the mud and play together. And Piper laughed at the funny sound they made. Every morning he couldn’t wait to get up and feed them before school and raced home after school to feed them again.

He named all of them and talked to them about school and everything. The pigs were good listeners and since Piper was an only child, they were his best friends.

Soon Piper grew up to adulthood and took over the family farm. And when his children were old enough, he taught them to say their daily prayers.

“Give thanks for your family and remember to send good thoughts and wishes for anyone who needs it, and then don’t forget to send a kiss into heaven for all those who left and are looking over us,” Piper said.

Many years later when Piper was a very old man, he met St. Peter at the gates of Heaven.

“Thank you for the kisses over all those years, Piper.” Peter said. “Everyone here looks forward to your daily prayers. And to reward all your good deeds, we’re promoting you to be a special angel guide, like a conscience. Children’s guides are always animals, so you what do you want your angel form to be?”

Piper looked at Peter without hesitation and said “A Pig!”

Peter was surprised. “Hmm, we’ve never had a pig before, but ok. From now on, you’re Piggles.”

Peter waved his hand and Piper became a pink piglet with floppy ears and glistening white wings. As Piggles, Piper was sent back to earth to help children be good and kind. And each night he taught them to send a kiss into heaven to thank the angels looking out for them.

About suzanneruddhamilton

I write anything from novels and children's books to plays to relate and retell everyday life experiences in a fun-filled read with heart, hope and humor. A former journalist and real estate marketing expert, I am a transplant from Chicago, now happily living in southwest Florida to keep warm and sunny all year round. You can find me at
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4 Responses to And One for Heaven

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Since my kids hated their chores, I loved how happily Piper was about doing his–even when it was taking care of the pigs!! I also liked that St. Peter was surprised about Piper choosing a pig for his angel form–it was an unexpected twist for St. Peter. I agree with others who said it may be aimed at kids, but it’s a good message for all of us!


  2. gepawh says:

    A pleasant story with great depth!


  3. pales62 says:

    Never liked kid stories, but I liked this one.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. talebender says:

    It’s such a lovely premise when praying—-“…and one for heaven.” And what a lovely way to teach the idea to little ones, by reading them a story of Piggles.
    Great concept!

    Liked by 1 person

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