TALE OF TWO BARRELS (Finagle’s Law of Dynamic Negatives)

Hello Frank, welcome back, did your travels turn out well?
A quick reply to Franks friend Guy “The trip was really swell”
The wagon ride that carried us had its momentary dread
So tell me Frank and please be frank … What is that sign you read
Just a note to drivers … Stay on the center line
“Slow Down in CONSTRUCTION Zone” … Was Franks terse reply
You’d think we wouldn’t have to say every single day
Speeding fines will double … Should you start to stray
Not that sign said Guy … The one that’s everywhere
Funded by the Recovery Act … Reinvest your children’s share
A trillion dollars spent on shovel ready jobs
But in the end what was spent … is favors to their mob
We sit here daily waiting … for labor to ply its trade
But every time no one shows, with backhoe or a spade
So all day long we’re patient … with the traffic throng
Then they bring the trucks to pack us up, sing a happy song
Hey Frank my friend what happened … it seems you slightly scuffed
Frank replied wasn’t bad, I rolled ten feet … Then Charlie pick me up
He rolled me back to where the car encountered my orange physique
A scratch or two, change my hue … But I’m back on the concrete
Now I hear, it sounds quite queer, two trillion dollars more infused
Dineros spent to pay the rent but oligarchs will us
The money to increase their share and leverage progeny’s horizon
To buy some more orange barrels to sit idle on this island

About JackoRecords

Published Baby Boomer Songwriter. Heavy lyrics and prose and story telling ala Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and Jimmy Webb.
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3 Responses to TALE OF TWO BARRELS (Finagle’s Law of Dynamic Negatives)

  1. gepawh says:

    Love it when inanimate objects speak to us! Clever!!


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    I had never really thought about a barrel’s perspective but I will now each time I pass one! Creative choice for the prompt!


  3. talebender says:

    As my dad (and countless others, I’m sure) used to say when he’d see idle work-zones, “Taxpayer dollars at work!” Nice personification of the marker-barrels, and nice rhythm to the tale.


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