Phoenician voyage, it found its way to a Majorca casbah
A traveler saw the urn, and bought the Roman/Greco jar
Forty-Seven Euro’s paid sailed past the Pillars of Hercules
Now sat quietly unattended in the a foyer for everyone to please
When the amphora traveled from Cyprus, protected by a wooden box
But now, centuries old and unatoned was hurled by the fox
Lies in pieces in the corner an ending to the its travels
Ancient fragmented vase, relic of a chateau battle
Broken handle and a cracked narrow neck
A red wine fresco on the wall, puddles on the deck
Fateful words better left unsaid
With volume loud, antic and emotions fed
Stormy weathers pass and sunlight radiates
You forget what brought the hurricane or cause the jug to break
Should focus now be on the flagon, how to make it whole
Or emphasis placed on the one that complements our soul
With tempers eased, smiles returned melodic verse prevails
You mentally begin the list and remember all that’s there
1.    Legacy of cherubs, hobbit, sylphs and matrons
2.    Humanity that touches the faceless invisible hapless spirit
3.    Physical beauty continues to excite and transcends the calendar
4.    Commitment to a journey beyond the boundaries of expectation
5.    Find no better a partner to enter into that good night
Because of this, you decide to follow the North Star
Grab a broom, sweep up the fume and whisper softly “Fuck the Jar”

About JackoRecords

Published Baby Boomer Songwriter. Heavy lyrics and prose and story telling ala Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and Jimmy Webb.
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4 Responses to THE LIST

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I’m trying to decide…is this a happy ending? I want to know more about the urn!!


  2. pales62 says:

    Holy cherubs! Really enjoyed this one.Regards to your hobbit, sylphs and matrons. And kudos to you!


  3. talebender says:

    People over things…..always!
    Loved the phrase…’red wine fresco on the wall…’!


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