“Wha do ya tink we does? I’m kinda beat, just sittin ron da house. How’s about we hit some bar and down a few?”

    “Nah, not in da mood. I been so lickhered up since dis ‘rona ting started dat I lost my taste for booze. Hey, I know, hows about breakfast? Let’s get us some of dat dere scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and ham. Ooooh, I can smell dat stuff all the way ova here.”

     “I ain’t in the mood. Youse guys can go. I’ll stay here and check out what’s on the tube. I been watchun da Playboy Channel fer weeks now. Great stuff!”

    “Aw rite, ifen we all gonna go nowhere, no way, let’s order in. How about pizza and some brewskis?”

    “Cool! Wid pepperoni and extree cheese?”

    “Yeh, howbout addin onions and peppers? And get a couple extree six-packs. I got me a real thoist!”

    “OK, whose goin?”

    “I went last time. Someone else go.”

    “Nah, not in da mood to drive. Sides, car’s low on gas.”

    “Aw rite, I’ll go. Lemme git this straight: Two pies, extree large, wid pepperoni, extra cheese, onions and peppers, rite?”

    “Hey, let’s come up wid some green. I got nuttin on me.”

    Each guy chips in a sawbuck. Marco and Cha Cha hop into their 1989 Chebbie and take off. They get to the pizza joint, place the order and start feeding coins into the jukebox.

    “Put on some Chubby Checker. Luv da twist stuff! And none of that Elvis garbage.”

    “Nah, I dig the Beach Boys.”

    Finally, they select “Mustang Sally by Wilson Pickett just on time to pick up their order. When they get into the car, Cha Cha grabs a garlic knot and chews away. 

    ”Hey, put that back, ya idiot! You’ll have plenty a time to stuff ya mouth, when we get back.”

    “Just lemme kill the one I already started.” 

    They rode in silence until they got back.

    “Ya took long enuff. We’re starving!”

    They huddled around a black and white TV with rabbit ears and watched their favorite movie, “The Wild Bunch”.

    After eating, they drained the remainder of the beer and fired up some doobies. They all agreed that they had a great time.

    Vinnie left early and hoped on his Harley. He drove off. His voice could be heard ere he passed out of sight, “Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!”

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3 Responses to WHATCHA WANNA EAT

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Great dialogue and lots of good memories! The names were most appropriate for the time period!!


  2. gepawh says:

    I found myself dancing between the beatniks and the hippies, effortlessly. I love the Brooklyn accent with southern accent (Cajun). Excellent entertainment.


  3. talebender says:

    Christmas with Mustang Sally and the Wild Bunch…..wow! But, from the sound of it, a joyful Christmas, nonetheless.
    Nice evocation of people, place, and time!


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