The plane turned toward the terminal … as I terminate the journey
The steps are extended … as I extend my hands
The uniforms are everywhere … everywhere they ask
What brings you here today … what is your task
Where is the blood that shared my room?
The darkness of the moment fades … the darkness of their skin 
The shackles put around my hands … the shackles put around my heart
A travel far is yet to come … a travel far for up ahead
The truck has moved me to the gates … the moment moves me to my dread
Where is the blood that shared my room? 
I tell the man why I am here … the man tells me why he is here
I look for brother who has come … you look for brother who is gone
As I battle to understand … I understand there was a battle
The sins were taken to Luanda … The sins were shot like sickened cattle
Where is the blood that shared my room?
The death song chilled my bones … the revelation chilled my bones evermore
Perhaps I can depart … perhaps I depart no favorable outcome
No body, no clothes, no embrace … no body, no clothes, no one to embrace
What shall I bring back to his mother … what shall I bring back to his father face
Where is the blood that shared my room?
The plane turned toward the terminal … as I terminate my journey
The steps are extended … as I extend my hands 
A mother’s cry awaits me … a mother’s pain embraces thee
The father’s eyes are tragic …  his tragic eyes remind me 
Where is the blood that shared my room?

About JackoRecords

Published Baby Boomer Songwriter. Heavy lyrics and prose and story telling ala Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and Jimmy Webb.
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  1. talebender says:

    There’s no matching the sincerity that comes from having lived the words. It’s so great that you can find those words, and the courage, to convey the reality of the experiences.


  2. gepawh says:

    I agree, a song of thoughts that ring deeply in heart! Well done!!


  3. Teresa Kaye says:

    You always manage to bring so much emotion into your poems (or songs)…much of life’s struggle is captured where—Why and Where are those we lost?


  4. I want too hear this sung!

    Liked by 1 person

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