Awaiting Approval

First thing in the morning, I turned on my computer with baited anticipation. Yesterday, I interviewed with my company’s HR department for a promotion I really want. I think I have a good chance.

I been at the company for fifteen years and my bosses and subordinates both like me, I think. My company unusually requires annual performance evaluations for all employees by all team members. It’s a bit daunting to be judged from all angles every year, but I guess it can be productive. My evaluations have always been outstanding, but I still had to go through five interviews with the heads of various departments and HR I have never seen. It was like an interrogation. They asked me the strangest
questions, like to describe my workday and a couple what if work scenarios. Then they asked the typical interview question…where I saw myself in five years. It struck me as funny. If I get the job, that’s where I see myself, so I should be asking them where they see me, since they make that decision?

All notifications are online, so I logged into the site, held my breath and looked at the job posting results. The computer said my application was under review. I’ll look later. I still think I have a chance. A few hours later, I received an email from my mortgage company regarding my home refinance. My loan company said their easy refi program offered to save me money with lower rates and a no-hassle book refi with no costs. It sounded like a no brainer, but it was surprisingly NOT easy. I provided tax returns for the last three years, bank statements for the last six months, and 401k retirement asset
statements. And in the four week processing time, I’ve received umpteen emails asking for this document or that clarification. Today’s email was a status update. The file was in review. I emailed the processor and asked what was still being reviewed. I don’t understand, I paid the mortgage on time for ten years, without a late payment. The processor responded it was standard that underwriters review all files for
ability to repay the loan. It seems really unnecessary just to give me the same loan I already have, but since it was routine, I just let it go.

Finally my day on pins and needles is over. I’m going out with my friend Emily for a much-needed night out. Emily texted me and said she read the reviews for a restaurant and it didn’t look promising. In the first few weeks, they received one hundred fifty reviews and only a 3.7 star rating. She suggested instead we go see a movie. She said the movie had a rotten tomatoes score of 89. That sounded good, so I replied that I would meet her there at 8.

But first, I have an appointment at the bridal store for a final dress fitting. I hate these things, but my sister’s getting married, so I have to do it. Here I am lumped in with all her prissy sorority friends from college who definitely like the way they look in the mirror way too much, as they spread out all over the store finding individual mirrors they could occupy. I don’t care. The dress is a weird flesh tone with a lot of glitter. It’s horrible and looks like lingerie, so I need to just try to get through it. I stand on the
platform, while my sister’s group reviews each and every bridesmaid like it’s the Westminster dog show. It was so intrusive, being prodded and poked with judging eyes. I wonder when I’ll be asked to roll over. I just wanted to play dead.
Luckily, I was released for good behavior and now I need to rush to meet Emily. I really hope this movie is good. It should be, after all, it got good reviews.

About suzanneruddhamilton

I write anything from novels and children's books to plays to relate and retell everyday life experiences in a fun-filled read with heart, hope and humor. A former journalist and real estate marketing expert, I am a transplant from Chicago, now happily living in southwest Florida to keep warm and sunny all year round. You can find me at
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2 Responses to Awaiting Approval

  1. talebender says:

    Hmm…..I’m currently reviewing this post and will get back to you!
    Just kidding…’ve really captured the way things seem to be always in flux, never resolved, always at the mercy of the next level of review.
    Nicely done!

    Liked by 1 person

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