Need to give myself


    In the quiet of my


    Life filled with


    Feelings of 


    Sweep it out with a


    Hawaiian habit of


    Shut my door 


    Virus affords no


    Disaster starts to


    Mental fatigue starts to 


    My head going


    Take a ride

    Vroom, vroom

    Go really fast

    Zoom, zoom

    No need to






    Choom: Hawaiian word for smoking pot

    Cloom: Close in a glutinous, sticky manner)

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4 Responses to ROOM

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Well done. I like poetry for the power of few words to say a lot!! You capture the pandemic madness!


  2. gepawh says:

    Speak volumes of life in a darkened moment!


  3. leeroc3 says:

    This fits the way we really think and speak in our mind- in phrases, words. The piece makes you feel claustrophobic. Even desperate. Nice job even though poetry is not my thing.


  4. talebender says:

    Brian Wilson could set this to music! Oh, wait…..
    Nicely done!


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