They’re Watching

As I headed for my usual coffee at Midtown Café before starting work, I glanced upward. Two skulls in the window of the third-floor apartment were peering down towards the sidewalk.  The skulls appeared to be Halloween decorations.

My favorite barista, Dan, greeted me with “The Usual?”. I nodded and he soon returned with my Stupendous Dark Roast Grande Deluxe. I thanked Dan and wished him a great day. The thought of the piping hot beverage at my desk for the next couple of hours brought a smile to my face. Everything is as it should be.

As I approached the skull window on my return to the office I looked up. I was surprised to see the two skulls facing each other this time. I looked closer and stopped suddenly in my tracks. There between them was a Stupendous Dark Roast Grande Deluxe. What an odd coincidence. I chuckled and thought to myself, “at least they have good taste”.

The next day on my return to the café I searched for the window and there they were. Two skulls peering down to the sidewalk. They seemed to be looking directly at me. I could swear their eye sockets were shifting as they glared at me walking by.

Dan gave me a big smile- “The usual?”. I found myself saying “No thanks, Dan. I won’t have the usual this time. I’ll have the Sunshine Sumatra Serenade. And add a Danish too”. Dan smiled and complimented me on my choice. He hoped I liked the new drink, served in a bright yellow container.

I walked briskly along the sidewalk focusing on the bright red handbag bouncing a bit as it hung from the shoulder of a young lady hustling off to work ahead of me. As I approached the window I looked up. The two skulls were again in conversation. Between them sat a bright yellow container of Sunshine Sumatra Serenade and a small bag on its side with a Danish protruding. I trembled a bit and stopped, staring at the window as Red Bag hustled out of sight. “Shake it off. It’s nothing” I said to myself, not really believing it.

The next day, I took a couple of detours to the café, avoiding the skull window. Dan remarked that I looked a little stressed. “Work” I answered. To Dan’s surprise I again departed from the norm and this time I ordered the Perfectly Pumpkin. He delivered it promptly in a bright orange cup.  As I exited the café I decided I would not be controlled. I walked confidently back to the office by the usual route. I looked up to the skull window and there the two skulls faced each other sharing a Perfectly Pumpkin in a bright orange cup.  

Later that day, the ER doc diagnosed me with anxiety disorder. I had passed out on the sidewalk. I explained that I was under a lot of stress at work, rather than risk a one way visit to the psych ward.

At the end of the day I headed for my car in the garage. I spotted a man in a dark suit staring at me. I quickened my pace and he did as well. After falling, he offered his hand and gave me his card. “Peter Vanderwall, manager, Midtown Café”. He explained that the café was filming several pranks for a Halloween TV ad. He was so sorry for my distress. In order to not feel like a complete fool I refused his offer of a lifetime supply of coffee and Danish. “No problem” I announced.

It was mid-November. I walked my usual route to the Midtown Café, with no skulls in any window. Returning to the office with my usual, I reached into my pocket for change. The Santa rang his bell as I bent over to deposit the coins. The coins fell to the ground as I spotted a Stupendous Dark Roast Grande Deluxe next to the kettle.

About leeroc3

I am a psychologist by trade. I enjoy excursions into the mind. I have only written professional reports and research articles in the past. I find the freedom to explore and investigate through writing to be exhilarating. An even greater challenge is to learn to work with technology. I will attempt to please the electronic Gods and enter the world of the future. Many of my writings have already focused on the tensions we face in a changing world. Good luck to us all.
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3 Responses to They’re Watching

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I love stories about coffee and baristas! This one had a bit of an eerie feel and kind of helps explain my discomfort around Halloween. I loved all the drink names and your description about how there is such a the line between what’s real and what’s imagined. My kids tell me it’s all ‘green screen’ these days so hardly anything is real….but I would have joined others in taking up the guy’s offer for a lifetime supply of coffee!! And Danish!!


  2. pales62 says:

    Sacre bleu, Coffee-induced skullduggery! A fun piece…


  3. talebender says:

    Glad I’m not a coffee drinker! Did you intern with Hitchcock or Serling?


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