Jacob Taylor Rumsfeldt had very little to do during the Covid-19 epidemic, so he got out his yellow legal pad, sharpened his number two Dixon pencil and started to reproduce his thoughts on the blue-lined pages.

His first thought: “My body is a temple, ancient and crumbling, probably cursed and haunted!”

Then he thought: “A little gray hair is small price to pay for all this wisdom.” He added: “The best things about the good old days was that they were not that good and I wasn’t old!”

“I may be wrong, but I doubt it. The world situation was about to exceed the limits of my medication.”

JT, as his friends referred to him, decided to take a nap and go over everything in his mind. His dreams became nightmares. He dreamt that he was Adam in the Garden of Eden, but there was nary an apple and Eve was seventy-eight years old!

He then found himself on Noah’s Ark, but was nauseated by the odor. Noah wasn’t very nice. He was just too old anyway.

The next night, the dream shifted. He found himself in a whale’s belly, sharing a meal with Jonah. The area also reeked and the food was awful. To top it off, Jonah was a poor dinner companion.

The next night’s scene came into view. He was lighting the fire that immolated Joan of Arc, letting loose the guillotine that beheaded Anne Boleyn plus pulling the trigger on the gun that killed Billy the Kid.

He arose each night covered with perspiration. He dreams were obviously worse than reality of aging and coping with that fact. His only response to it all: “I thought growing old would take a whole lot longer!”


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3 Responses to AGING THOUGHTS

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Hmmm. I’m trying to determine the meaning here…I may need some interpretive help. But the comments are funny. It fits nicely with the stories I’ve been reading about Coronavirus dreams…these are similar!!


  2. talebender says:

    Remind me not to sleep with this guy! Or be his roomie in the old-age home!


  3. gepawh says:

    Beautiful!! These are thoughts for all ages.


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