Many Americans will be caught completely off guard. Researchers at the University 0f South Dakota School of Mines released an extensive story revealing that a vast majority of American citizens are totally unprepared for the time when the sun destroys the earth in 7.5 billion years!

Thousands were polled across all demographics that showed that an average citizen has not even considered what steps they need to prepare for the day when our planet is totally consumed by the sun. Chief researcher, Dr. Malcom Warneski, added that 82% of respondents lack enough savings to purchase items they would need in such an emergency, like escape pods and sunscreen.

It is estimated that the exploding sun could kill two to ten billion earthlings. No one really knows the extent of the death toll. What is known: if the earth were scorched down to its rocky core, it is well within the realm of possibility that every single person would literally burn up!

Dr. Warneski recommended that everyone create a plan with your family on where to meet and stay safe while all civilization is wiped from the universe in a flash of fiery horror.

Another study at the Nevada School of Geology found that only one in four Americans is prepared for the day our moon floats away, causing all tides to cease.


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8 Responses to WARNING

  1. gepawh says:

    Frightening prospects offered in this post. I found myself singing an old tune from the “grass roots”
    Let’s Live for Today.


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    You bring up some interesting concepts. I’m still thinking about the impact of no tides! And I just read about a meteorite prediction for November….


  3. leeroc3 says:

    What’s with 2 to 10 billion deaths? I thought science was precise. However, I read in Sheldrake’s “Science Set Free” that nothing is certain in science. In fact the “laws of physics” are likely shifting and changing with the passage of time. So 2 to 10 is fine.


  4. wordsmith50 says:

    Guess no one’s herd, once the polar ice caps melt away the water vapor will be caught in the suns gravitational pull and extinguish it’s flames leaving us all frozen. A far better outcome!


  5. pales62 says:

    I have a supply that I can sell to you wholesale!


  6. talebender says:

    Never mind stocking up for the sun’s demise! I’m still out of toilet paper!
    Funny story!


  7. Ever since I learned about gravity in grade school, I’ve been waiting for the day somebody turned off gravity altogether everything just floated away.


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