The Visitor

For those of you following or submitting stories to Florida Weekly writing contest, this is my submission for round 4. The prompt is a picture of a corporate jet flying overhead.

The Visitor

You might think this assignment would please me since it lets me be around one of the most prestigious private jets, the Gulfstream G550, but you would be very wrong. True, I’ve been fascinated with aircraft my entire life and have even had the opportunity to fly a couple with help from an instructor, but watching this particular plane line up for its final approach fills me with disgust. The loathing was not for the G550 but for the man it transports for periodic visits to my town.

Archibald Winstead Buchanan—Archie to his friends, slime ball and worse to those who work for him—is 55 years old and obnoxiously wealthy. His weight far exceeds what his 5’ 10” frame should support. He sports a bad comb over and reeks of stale cigar smoke. Archie’s visits normally last three to four days consisting of business meetings and phone calls during the day and drunken, twisted, debauchery at night. He continues to grow his fortune by making special arrangements for people who can afford his exorbitant fee. Polite society might call him a broker, a dealmaker; others might call him a fixer. If you want to buy a mansion that’s not for sale, Archie will make it happen. If you need weapons or drugs delivered, Archie will get it done.

I assume by now you must be wondering how I know so much about Mr. Buchanan. It’s because I’m his chauffeur when he’s in town. It’s not a job I asked for but was assigned to by dispatch when his former driver disappeared four years ago without giving notice. He’s still missing. Since that time Archie has requested me as his personal chauffeur claiming he prefers continuity in the people around him. The real reason is the fewer people who know what he does and who his clients are the better. I may be just the driver, but I’m privy to many phone calls and meetings simply because they take place in the limo. Archie never raises the glass partition, claiming to be claustrophobic.

Ironically, Archie is why I have a second job that I wasn’t even looking for. A large cache of weapons and explosives were delivered to a rebel group who had succeeded in overthrowing a government friendly to the US. The unexpected weapons transfer raised the ire of an unnamed government agency and placed Archie squarely in their sights. I was approached by them and made an offer I couldn’t refuse—so I didn’t. Frankly, I could care less who rules some banana republic, but I do care about stopping what’s happening to the young girls Archie recruits.

The man is a world-class predator. His recruiters find vulnerable teenage girls and convince them, with their parent’s consent, to join his modeling agency. Once onboard, they are drugged, forced into a life of catering to Archie’s perversions, then sold to human traffickers never to be seen again. The parents receive letters telling of wonderful trips and opportunities but eventually all communication stops.

Since starting my government job I have placed recording devices in the limo and the cabin of Archie’s jet. I was allowed on board by telling him how much I admired his aircraft and wondered if he would be so kind as to let me check it out. Archie’s ego is his weak spot, so he was more than happy to show it off. After the first tour I was granted access anytime I pleased. The Feds loved the audio and video information provided.

Mr. Buchanan was taken into custody as he stepped off his jet today. The agents knew that once his legal team saw the evidence against their client, it wouldn’t take long for them to work out who the rat (I prefer undercover agent) was, so they asked me if I wanted to go into witness protection. I declined but asked if they would pay for a ticket to Zurich. When asked why, I told them I always wanted to see the Alps but couldn’t afford it. They agreed and that’s where I am now.

The Alps are an attraction but not the main one, for me it’s the diamond trade. You see, while I was placing the surveillance equipment on the G550 I stumbled across a velvet pouch containing fifty large diamonds stuffed between the sofa cushions. I know it sounds crazy but when opportunity knocks!

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4 Responses to The Visitor

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I like the idea of the chauffeur-turned secret agent—they would have access to all the activities. And your ending shows it’s hard to resist temptation even while you are turning others in for similar actions…human nature???


    • wordsmith50 says:

      Definitely a what’s good for the goose scenario. Also, glad you enjoyed Parallel Lines. It would be nice if FL Weekly liked it as well.


  2. gepawh says:

    Very good! Nice twists and turns great payoff (ending) and fabulous name!! Hopefully you submitted it!


  3. pales62 says:

    Better than any TV crime show. This was a ‘diamond’ of a story!


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