Raider of the Tabernacle

They’re all asleep – finally!  He even gave them an extra 30 minutes before moving stealthily into their bedrooms.  He boldly stood next to each family member’s bed, gazing down at each sleeping figure like some hovering, sinister evil; watching each breath taken.  “How peaceful they look,” he thought, then snickered silently to himself, “If they only knew.”

     He was completely familiar with this particular house, its occupants, and most important, its contents. He knew that the wall safe was in the master bedroom; the fine jewelry was in closet drawers; all the financial records, replete with account numbers were filed in the office downstairs.  He knew where their wallets (and purses) were placed for the night.  He even knew where all the car keys were.  He could have his pick of the three late model luxury vehicles in the garage, tucked away for the night. The fools!  They slept while he freely prowled about their home, their shelter, their refuge, their sanctuary!  He thrilled at the sense of power that coursed through his veins as he freely roamed their territory!

     “Ah, here is what I have been seeking!  My quest is complete.”  He thought as he entered the sacred room containing the treasure of all treasures.  The vessel was always kept out of sight in its holy tabernacle because just to look at it stirred desire for its contents, stirred from the depths of one’s soul! Silently, cautiously, he opened the vessel and reached into it.  Once he had a firm grasp on his prize, he lifted it so it was even with his gaze.  Filled with admiration for his prize, he brought it closer to his face … Footsteps!  A burst of brilliant light!  He was startled and blinded!  His prize fell from his grasp, back into its vessel! All was lost!

     “Roger! How many times have I told you to stop raiding the cookie jar in the middle of the night!”

     “Can’t help myself, Mom.  Your chocolate chip peanut butter cookies are worth a million blucks!”

About jannray

retired children's librarian for public library (2nd career); retired elementary teacher (1st career). I like to "dabble" in watercolor, acrylic painting, stained glass, glass mosaic, pottery, sketching, sewing, woodworking, writing (of course), and yes, I do read as well.
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6 Responses to Raider of the Tabernacle

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I loved the paragraph where you described the Raider’s feeling of power and knowledge of all the secrets of the household! The use of the word ‘tabernacle’ caused me to be totally unprepared for the Raider to be in the kitchen stealing cookies! Well done.


  2. marcsacher says:

    I think we can all relate (perhaps substituting one’s favorite cookie — and I’m good with your choice). Great detailed set-up for the surprise ending.


  3. gepawh says:

    Nice lead up to a delicious ending


  4. pales62 says:

    Like your piece – and I love chocolate chip peanut butter cookies! Can you bring a sample if we ever meet again?


  5. talebender says:

    I didn’t expect cookies, either…..but if I send you my mailing address, would you send along…..?
    Nice story!


  6. wordsmith50 says:

    Nice twist at the end. I was expecting something at the end, but not cookies.


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