Hypocrisy is defined as the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs in which one’s behavior does not conform.

  1. Harrison Hoopnagle was the very exemplar of hypocritic behavior. He constantly pretended to have certain beliefs, attitudes, feeling, when he really did not. For example, he was a passionate defender of the environment, but constantly littered, never separated his garbage nor supported an environmentally strong candidate.

The root cause of his blatant pretense was Hoopnagle’s up-bringing. He was one of thirteen children (the second-to-last youngest), born into a dirt-poor household. There was precious little of anything to go around. H.H. became ultra-selfish, hoarding what little he received. This led to severe insecurities

As he got older his overt selfishness led him to take advantage of others or withhold resources from them. He came to believe that he could live his best life, never being generous or honest.

Throughout his school years this charlatan deceiver was referred to as a faker, a fraud, a phony, an imposter, a double-dealer. He earned the moniker, “Two Face”.

Amazingly it never seemed to bother him. His psychological problems were always seen as his best way to survive.


A girl entered his life during his senior year in high school. Her name was Lola. She was a knock-out. Whatever Lola wanted, Lola got!

His tried his comfortable subterfuge routines, but she saw right through them. He realized that, he could never date the girl of his dreams. He had to change course and tell the truth. This would be a daunting exercise. Seventeen years of his behavior would not be so easy to change.

So HH enrolled in an on-line course: “Hypocrisy Is Not the Way” taught by a supposed professor from the University of the Hague in Dutchtown, Iowa.

HH devoured the course material with a new-found gusto and dedication. He studied religiously, but absolutely nothing changed his views. He grew very frustrated. Time was of the essence. Lola wasn’t going to sit back and relax, waiting for him to change.

HH went back on the internet, reading reviews of the course he just completed. They were universally negative. The ‘professor’ was running a scam!

The scammer being scammed by a polished hypocrite!

He lost Lola.

There’d be others to fall for his routine.

He would use his comfortable hypocrisy to get through.

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  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I will be interested in the sequel where we see who follows Lola! Perhaps he will even find another hypocrite!!


  2. gepawh says:

    Great names and humorous story. I too thought “comfortable hypocrisy” was a great description!


  3. talebender says:

    Comfortable hypocrisy is prevalent in the world around us…..and even within us. Too bad HH lost Lola, though.
    A fun read!


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