Gather around, all ye car owners! Allow me to relate a true story that will give you the ’willies’.

This dude, Ace Flippen, Jr., bought a small red sports car from “Carl’s Car Charter Corporation”. He loved the look, calling it a “Bitchen Machine”. It was a late model and seemed to be in decent shape. Her figured this car would attract the honies. The chicks would be all over him.

The day after he bought the “Babe-Attracter”, he couldn’t open either of the two doors! He panicked and consulted with so-called experts.

Turns out, the car had been put together by two other cars! One car had been rear-ended and the other had run into a brick wall!

Some enterprising person had gone to the junk yard, saw the two wrecks and figured he could take the undamaged front of one car and weld it to the back end of the other. …and that is just what he did!

He traded the welded car to “Carl’s Car Charter Corporation”. They, in turn, sold it to the Dude.

The doors would not open as the welds were breaking and the car was slowly buckling. To top it off, when the Dude turned on the defroster, a piece of glass flew out of a duct! When he started it up, the rear axle started smoking!

Litigation ensued. Carl obviously lost – big time!

On the way out of the court room Carl said to the Dude: “You should have brought it back and keep doing so until we fixed it.”

The Dude punched him in the nose and left the bloody Carl and the court room, smiling from ear to ear.


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1 Response to TWO FOR ONE

  1. talebender says:

    The willies, indeed! Can’t believe there are people so low as would sell a piece of junk like that! But they’re out there.
    Glad to see Carl got his comeuppance!


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