With pleasured sound of her voice, beauty distance long
Travel is the tenured choice, delightful with first song
Adding beauty where there’s none, makes baleful vistas gay
As silence fills with time undone, consider choices weighed
Questions posed “how have you been” answered with a quip
Unstilted unaffected tone, echoes of a sailing ship
How can you voice and reassure, what’s been will always be 
a call that’s more allure than pure, wants and primal needs
Minutes pass catch up on time, moments that are squandered
Shallow conversations climb, moments will oblige her
Hear me now beyond the waves, a heart that only stumbled
Tomorrow brings to those less brave, enrapture that has crumbled
Speak the words it matters not, just hear your voice again
What is said or forgot, a dulcet tone has been
Time has passed the call has dropped, and now with tender broken
I arrive from distance skies, no lovesome verse be spoken
Is there per change enflamed romance, that faded with no plea
Or has the ship, that ended trip, saw the bottom of the sea
Know not what or where this goes, thoughts of what has been
Vape away like ocean spray, and dial the phone again

About JackoRecords

Published Baby Boomer Songwriter. Heavy lyrics and prose and story telling ala Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and Jimmy Webb.
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2 Responses to THE CALL

  1. gepawh says:

    Poetically capturing emotions….


  2. talebender says:

    This is so poignant in how it links two hearts through a fragile series of telephone calls… lifelines for both.


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