The owner of a tattoo parlor, “The Eyes Have It”, in Miami, Florida, is Thomasina “Dead-Eye” Robalizio. One day he noticed an oddity while going over his monthly receipts that he never encountered before.

Thom, as his friends called him, discovered that one particular tattoo, “TOMORROW IS PROMISED TO NO ONE” was requested five-hundred times! It almost surpassed his most popular tattoo, “MOM”, that had the record at six-hundred-eleven.

Dead Eye decided to share this trend by ordering his employees, especially Pauline “Stick Em” Pastorino, his most prolific tattooer, were urged to come up with more of these positive themes. He thought it would increase business even more.

Pauline came up with the first suggestion: TOMORROW’S FUTURE IS BRIGHT” (naturally). She followed up with “SMELL THE FLOWERS” and “AHH NATURE”

Yet, Dead Eye was chagrined. No matter how many more optimistic tats were suggested, most customers still preferred “TOMORROW IS PROMISED TO NO ONE”.

Many other themes seemed never to stoke customer interest. Macabre themes were overwhelmingly requested. They asked for such subjects as death, disease, pestilence, starvation, etc.

Thom was at his wit’s end. He hated these dark requests. He finally threw in the towel. He came up with a tat of a hollow human skull accompanied by the word “DEATH”. It was an instant success! Business was never better.

A female customer came in and asked for a tattoo of the sun with the words, “EVERYTHING IS WONDERFUL”, but Thom denied her request. He had no choice. He’d become the laughing stock of the Miami tattoo world if he allowed such a rosy view to come out of his parlor!

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3 Responses to TATTOO YOU

  1. gepawh says:

    A humorous tale that sounds true. People tend to dismiss “rosy” attitudes for some misguided thought, “they are about something special!” Tell Thomm, he is free to use those words.


  2. talebender says:

    I love tattoo stories (but not tattoos…at least, for me!). My favourite is the loser who had his misspelled—Born To Loose!
    Hope Dead-Eye prospers!


  3. Teresa Kaye says:

    I did wonder about the messages people choose for Tattoos and appreciate learning more about the topic! If I ever get one, I will ask for Pauline.


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