The footsteps seem to quicken, sand moves between the toes
   this is the boat I will use today, to end the haunting “salao” 
Catch the giant marlin, triumphantly return
 Perhaps this day bring happy or another anguish woe 
Grab the boat with heavy hands aged beyond the years
   Three giant heaves the boat is launched, melancholy in its keel
“Slowly Santiago” says the inner voice 
   Euphoric high that drives me, disengaging what is real
My weathered brown body slides slowly into place,
  grab the oar with fingers tight, muscles hard a constant fight
Fervor raging through every vein
  rhythmic rowing toward destiny’s flame
Three hours of heavy boating moved me to the spot
   I set the oars, discharged the chum into the rolling waves
My line is set and ready, final battle to begin
   racing heart, throat is dry, hope begins to wane
Then suddenly the line is taunt, and quickly runs away
   snap the pole, the water breaks, the conflict has begun
Give and take on the battleground, hands begin to sweat
   Marlins been a noble foe, this time I face defeat
It’s over now what can be said about the battle roar
   Did time and booze cause me to lose what really is of value
Questioning what has come to pass, closing of the door
   I sit now in a final mode, think only what’s before
It’s been ten years since pen in hand, told the tale of Santiago 
   The truth be known the story borne, howling in the dark
With hurt I struggle, dusk to dawn, fighting with the ghost 
   The beast name Marlin puts me to rest, in a life that flashes 
Now It’s time to say goodbye, empty is my cache
   The bottle’s empty too, but now the chambers full
One pull and I will stop the ache, no more to ramble on 
   Goodbye my good friend Santiago... 
   "nos vemos de nuevo al otro lado"

About JackoRecords

Published Baby Boomer Songwriter. Heavy lyrics and prose and story telling ala Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and Jimmy Webb.
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6 Responses to HEMINGWAY’S FINAL …

  1. talebender says:

    I dread the coming of that day when ’empty is my cache’. I’ve often wondered if Hemingway’s despair came about because he felt he could no longer live up to the standard he had set for himself, or because he didn’t feel he was still appreciated by the literati.
    An elegaic portrayal…


  2. gepawh says:

    a lyrical ballad, indeed!


  3. Teresa Kaye says:

    The Old Man and the Sea is one of my favorites…Nice mix of it with Hemingway’s life and ending. The use of poetry and your words add to the haunting feeling throughout the work. It pains me to think of what we missed if his life had been longer…


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