Monthly Archives: February 2020

A Beautiful Thing

  It has it all! The design incorporates sleek aerodynamic lines coupled with functional air scoops that feed the ravenous ram-induction power-plant. Fit and finish are flawless down to the micro millimeter. The interior, constructed of soft Corinthian Leather and … Continue reading

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It started just like another other day in the life of a mother with three babies, one wife and one dog.   Six am brought in the new day with the immediate chaos of three one-year old boys greeting the morning … Continue reading

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With pleasured sound of her voice, beauty distance long Travel is the tenured choice, delightful with first song   Adding beauty where there’s none, makes baleful vistas gay As silence fills with time undone, consider choices weighed   Questions posed … Continue reading

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SHIP OF FOOLS OR A CRUISE FROM HELL OR TATTOOS, BOOZE & OBESITY   Joachim never wanted to take a cruise. He was quite content with spending his annual two-week vacation from the Goucutow Shirt Company at the Hide-Away-Hideaway near … Continue reading

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  TATTOO YOU   The owner of a tattoo parlor, “The Eyes Have It”, in Miami, Florida, is Thomasina “Dead-Eye” Robalizio. One day he noticed an oddity while going over his monthly receipts that he never encountered before. Thom, as … Continue reading

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    TARGET TENSION   Exulting with joy as she violently kicked over an empty stroller, mother Tandalaya Zambrusky, age thirty-four, was observed saying, “I’m free” to herself and several onlookers in a Target store in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It was … Continue reading

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Ocean, Ocean, shining bright, Rocked to and fro by moonlight, An eternal ebb and flow. Born of primordial soup, A cosmic stew that cooked, Then simmered as a salty sea. Ocean, Ocean, birthing life, Cell by cell; coral and gills, … Continue reading

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OK Bob, I’m Listening

I usually hang up at the first sign of a telemarketer call. I used to listen to the first sentence or two of the pitch before hanging up, for example: “Hello, my name is Bob. How are you today? I … Continue reading

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THE STRUGGLETHE STRUGGLE They struggled for years on a farm the inherited from his parents, scrimping and saving whatever they could. Mechanization and the big conglomerates finally did them in. Marta and Hurly Bookbinder just gave up. They sold what they could, taking a financial beating, and moved to the closest town (Clayton, Iowa) with their six children: Beverly 16, Bevin 12, Baily 10, Benton 6, Bambi 2 and six-month-old Bertram. Hurly landed a job the local feed lot, feeding the stock, rucking out stalls, transferring milk to large tank trucks that carried it to the pasteurization plant. Marta was hired by the feed store, supplementing her income by taking in sewing and selling doilies which she constantly crocheted. Beverly got a job at Flo’s Eatery, the town’s only diner. Her good looks seemed to bring in higher tips. Bevin worked at the hardware store with no name other than “Hardware Store”, owned by Clyde Whiteside. Bevin was a combination salesperson, stock boy and a strong right arm for Clyde who was fast approaching his eightieth year. Marta and Hurly decided, after thirty years of hard labor and dismal luck, to take their first and only vacation of their lives. A dream cruise with the money they saved, was the solution. Beverly and Benton were old enough to take care of the younger kids, so all was in place for their “trip of a lifetime”. They chose the cheapest accommodations possible on Oceans Cruise Line’s “Exposition”, a huge six-thousand passenger ship. Their inside cabin, more like a prison cell without bars, had a bed which took most of the floor space, a small closet and an equally small bathroom – similar to ‘steerage’ on the Titanic. The Bookbinders sampled food, served at a table with linen table cloths and napkins! It was like a dream come true. They ate seafood and meat that they never tasted before. It was a food wonderland! On the second day of the cruise, Marta sprained her ankle, getting off a gang plank. For the rest of the trip, she hobbled on a cane. They feared they would never be able to pay for the exorbitant medical bill. Then, a further disaster. Hurly came down with a severe case of gastric distress. He couldn’t keep anything down, subsisting on tea and toast. “Look at them little plastic do-dads filled with jelly”! Martha continued to eat like a horse, downing everything she was served and then some. She added several pounds to her already corpulent body. On the fifth day another disaster. Hurley had to be taken off the boat with a severe case of appendicitis. He was taken to a hospital in Honduras, where his appendix was removed. “They darn brown people did a hell of a job”! The rest of the trip was spent in Honduras where they recovered from his operation and her sprain. When they got home, they were thrilled to be united with their kids and their normal surroundings. They often reminisced about the dream cruise that wasn’t. They vowed never to leave home again. At least they had two terrific days at sea. That was more than most folks had. They were thankful for it. Ironically, their youngest, Bertram, trained at the U.S. Maritime Academy. He gradually gained in rank until he captained a ship for the same line on which his parents cruised! They struggled for years on a farm the inherited from his parents, scrimping and saving whatever they could. Mechanization and the big conglomerates finally did them in. Marta and Hurly Bookbinder just gave up. They sold what they could, taking a financial beating, and moved to the closest town (Clayton, Iowa) with their six children: Beverly 16, Bevin 12, Baily 10, Benton 6, Bambi 2 and six-month-old Bertram. Hurly landed a job the local feed lot, feeding the stock, rucking out stalls, transferring milk to large tank trucks that carried it to the pasteurization plant. Marta was hired by the feed store, supplementing her income by taking in sewing and selling doilies which she constantly crocheted. Beverly got a job at Flo’s Eatery, the town’s only diner. Her good looks seemed to bring in higher tips. Bevin worked at the hardware store with no name other than “Hardware Store”, owned by Clyde Whiteside. Bevin was a combination salesperson, stock boy and a strong right arm for Clyde who was fast approaching his eightieth year. Marta and Hurly decided, after thirty years of hard labor and dismal luck, to take their first and only vacation of their lives. A dream cruise with the money they saved, was the solution. Beverly and Benton were old enough to take care of the younger kids, so all was in place for their “trip of a lifetime”. They chose the cheapest accommodations possible on Oceans Cruise Line’s “Exposition”, a huge six-thousand passenger ship. Their inside cabin, more like a prison cell without bars, had a bed which took most of the floor space, a small closet and an equally small bathroom – similar to ‘steerage’ on the Titanic. The Bookbinders sampled food, served at a table with linen table cloths and napkins! It was like a dream come true. They ate seafood and meat that they never tasted before. It was a food wonderland! On the second day of the cruise, Marta sprained her ankle, getting off a gang plank. For the rest of the trip, she hobbled on a cane. They feared they would never be able to pay for the exorbitant medical bill. Then, a further disaster. Hurly came down with a severe case of gastric distress. He couldn’t keep anything down, subsisting on tea and toast. “Look at them little plastic do-dads filled with jelly”! Martha continued to eat like a horse, downing everything she was served and then some. She added several pounds to her already corpulent body. On the fifth day another disaster. Hurley had to be taken off the boat with a severe case of appendicitis. He was taken to a hospital in Honduras, where his appendix was removed. “They darn brown people did a hell of a job”! The rest of the trip was spent in Honduras where they recovered from his operation and her sprain. When they got home, they were thrilled to be united with their kids and their normal surroundings. They often reminisced about the dream cruise that wasn’t. They vowed never to leave home again. At least they had two terrific days at sea. That was more than most folks had. They were thankful for it. Ironically, their youngest, Bertram, trained at the U.S. Maritime Academy. He gradually gained in rank until he captained a ship for the same line on which his parents cruised!3


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Reflection, August 1970, begin second tour in country. Nothing’s changed, the more gooks we kill, the more gooks we kill, need body count… “It don’t mean nothin.” Charlies formable but not the water walking paladin Hanoi Jane and her cohorts … Continue reading

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Two Good Deeds

Walter was a creature of habit. Some would say he was obsessive-compulsive, He was certainly extremely orderly and a man of routine. He awakened at his usual time, 6:05 AM. In 17 hours and 5 minutes he will be killed- … Continue reading

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  RUN DEEP, RUN WIDE   They planned this sort of trip for decades. They scrimped and saved every penny until they had enough money to take their dream ocean cruise. Walter Wyatte and his wife, Yolanda, knew this would … Continue reading

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CRUISIN’   Sitting comfortably on the small balcony of her room, she stared out at the vast expanse of the ocean. She pictured herself ending it all in the watery maelstrom. Amanda Cloudcluster had just gotten out of a long-time … Continue reading

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The Dobbs House

I am now the proud owner of this Federal-style house and barn that was built two years before our country was born. Over time it’s been added to and updated somewhat but the original structure still stands. Of course, it’s … Continue reading

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Their brief tumultuous relationship began and ended in cities located six thousand, one hundred and eighty three miles apart on the Pacific Ocean.  When they met she was twenty-two years old and had recently graduated from U.C. San Diego with … Continue reading

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Far across the sea

Oceans are not blue Watching the waves break ashore Show relief is true   Pink sky on the sea Warns sailors and you and me Not tranquility The big war was fought Two oceans saved us from it To be … Continue reading

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Hey, Stupid- I’m Over Here

Sam has an attitude. I’ve dumped a few before Sam, but he’s a tough one to figure. I can’t seem to get him out of my mind. He’s always asking, “Can I help you?”. He can be pretty bossy too … Continue reading

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HEMINGWAY’S FINAL …..   The footsteps seem to quicken, sand moves between the toes    this is the boat I will use today, to end the haunting “salao”  Catch the giant marlin, triumphantly return  Perhaps this day bring happy or another … Continue reading

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Suky’s Tale

Suky Tawdry was but a passing reference in a familiar lyric of the ’60s, and from a lesser known reference in the Three Penny Opera of the 1920’s. But few know her real story. Suky was born out of wedlock … Continue reading

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Woodstock Memories

My attendance at Woodstock in 1969 was quite accidental. A grad-school classmate at the University of Hartford had two $20 tickets to a three-day weekend concert in Bethel, New York, and he offered to drive. With no plans for the … Continue reading

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America’s Sport

A slow steady stream of blood trickled from his three-inch gash over his eye. It made its way into the forest above his eye and then leaped to the cheek below. The crowd roared as he fell to his knees … Continue reading

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The Great Experiment

When I was chosen for this voyage, I received accolades from friends and family alike. My crew-mates and I hadn’t even left on this great adventure and people talked of our prodigious courage, unflappable demeanor, and boundless desire to explore … Continue reading

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  Mamma, Bernie don’t want to play Said he won’t give his hard earn money away Mamma, didn’t realize The four of us would be surprised When Bernie, took that ride   I remember what was told By the white … Continue reading

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What’s That Smell?

Colored lights glow bright beams on the stage.  Choruses of bass and beat pulsate in time loud enough to be heard over the clamor of thousands of voices singing and yelling in elation.  A mysterious aroma wafts through the air … Continue reading

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The “Right” Box

“We are sending out a detailed marketing survey specifically targeting certain age groups to pinpoint the listening habits of our audiences in the following categories 18-24, 25-31, 32-40, 41-46, 47-54 and 55 plus,” Bee Boss, Sirius radio executive, explained to … Continue reading

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  NOT NOW, NA’NDE (with apologies to Pink Floyd’s “Not Now John”)   He barely got through high school – drugs. By a miracle he was accepted at “Adventist University of Health Sciences” in Orlando, Florida. As usual he graduated … Continue reading

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  THE STONER   Back in his college days, Rory Radzinski was a boozer of epic proportions! He was also one of the first at the university to “score” marijuana (the word “pot” was not yet in common usage)! It … Continue reading

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Born on the wrong side of the tracks, he was the ninth child of an abusive alcoholic father and a distracted mother who would soon be committed. They named him Marquis de Lafayette Harrison, but pronounced it “Markwis.” Markwis was … Continue reading

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Hailie Selassie

Growing up in the small mining town of Calumet, Michigan in the forties and through the fifties, names and places are learned and wondered about.  I had not heard of Haile Selassie until one day, my all time favorite neighbor … Continue reading

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It’s All In The Name

Nanepashemet, a great chief of the Nipmuc tribe enjoyed fishing even more than being chief. If he was fishing, he didn’t have to make decisions, adjudicate complaints between squabbling tribe members, and listen to his wife’s endless to-do lists. Fishing … Continue reading

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Many a card been dealt on the table Many a good man has lost his last dime Many a talented person has faded Many the expert has turned to the wine   If life would only give me two choices … Continue reading

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You made a promise that you’d come home Fold the flag and carve the stone Raise a glass and make a toast Father son and the holy ghost   You made a promise that you’d come home The doorbell rings… … Continue reading

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Gordon made a house out of sandbags on the hill Than he made a home outa powder and some pills No one ever realize the fear he had inside Gordon didn’t want to be the last Marine to die He … Continue reading

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  Will you explain to me what happened   I can’t understand … your apathy Only one word of explanation can satisfy this need in me   You tell me that fate had called its marker and my son had paid … Continue reading

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You made a promise that you’d come home Fold the flag and carve the stone Raise a glass and make a toast Father son and the holy ghost   You made a promise that you’d come home The doorbell rings… … Continue reading

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Hearts turned to stone black granite names to share Thousands enshrined… solemn fanfare Angled tombstones… souls put to rest` In a timely order, they are finally blessed   Weep calmly now … relieve your pain Than tip your half empty … Continue reading

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Take a bus to Bakersfield after landing in LA After all that’s happen to you nothing left to say Change your smile, change your walk …heavy price to pay isn’t easy for you boy so listen while I say   … Continue reading

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Knew a man from Indiana… Daulton was his name Friendly smile, lanky frame…only claim to fame We shared each other’s memories Thoughts would fill our songs Minds were in the jungle… his heart’s in Tara Haute Traveled out in search … Continue reading

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Victor refused to stop playing his tunes So they broke both of his hands and tighten the noose                                                                                The sports pavilion rocked and started to cheer                                         At the arioso…performed there   Surprised the performer with the vigor of their work                                                         Inflicted … Continue reading

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She was the daughter of a traveling minstrel show Players had performances… always had to go They’d return a happy lot… egos satisfied Hide inside the status quo but then they realized The time they spent away from her could … Continue reading

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Twas the day after Christmas…and all through the house Elves were happy…but not Ms Clause For thirty years no present for her Now was the time… receive what was earned   She tried to conceal… disappointment with grace But could … Continue reading

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  Woodstock air Haze of Hardin Blur of Heat and Hendrix Shriek of stringed guitars Storm of crowds Fences down Night calmed by rain and Baez Songs of protest adored by peaceniks Mud Shared shelter of plastic and weed (“Here’s … Continue reading

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Percy Slotnik’s Fate

With a name like Percy Slotnik- his fate was sealed at birth. When he initialed anything with “PS” everyone had to ask, “Yes, what else?”. It didn’t help that his middle name was Ichabod-Simpson. His full initials “PISS” was generally … Continue reading

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  THE STONER   Back in his college days, Rory Radzinski was a boozer of epic proportions! He was also one of the first at the university to “score” marijuana (the word “pot” was not yet in common usage)! It … Continue reading

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