Music & Writing

For anyone curious about the links between music & writing, I like the website/blog below in which this guy tracks down authors, many of them famous, and asks them to provide a “playlist” for their book. They usually respond by assigning specific songs to each of their characters. The authors’ musical choices are fascinating, and often provide some terrific additional insights into their books.

To pursue and explore this idea further, I’d enjoy providing a session of “free-writing to music” during one of our meetings, if folks wanted to give it a try. I can use the playlist I played in class for my first-year students, and we can all try writing to different kinds of music together & then discuss the results. Just something different to consider. Perhaps discuss next session?

Here’s the blog site:

and here’s an example of how specific an author can be:


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2 Responses to Music & Writing

  1. pales62 says:

    I am with you all the way. With no music there is no writing!


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    Thanks for the links…I’ve been listening to Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue….we’ll see what happens!!


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