The Game Plan

The game has gone pretty much as I planned. Of course, there were a few fumbles along the way and they were recovered. Storms came through too and slowed things down for a while. However, I smiled as I thought of the drive in the early part of the game. Everything clicked. I’ve played fairly conservatively and protected the lead. Just stay on the field and avoid catastrophe.

Spectators cheered us on. Family too of course. The game clock counted down slowly as a few players got tired and needed to rest. Others had some injuries- knees and sprains mostly. I carried on at the helm through it all. A quarterback must work with all the players, the refs, the coaches, assistant coaches and yes, even the owner who sits high above. He could pull the plug anytime.

It’s important to be alert to the opponent’s timing and play selection. Don’t take your mind off the game or you will be sorry. I did regret one missed opportunity. I saw a hole but I hung back looking for a big break downfield. Nothing. Sacked.

The game is picking up dramatically now in the last quarter. It looks like the clock is ticking down. It seems like time is flying by faster and faster as we all get our last shot at the big play. We all are playing our hearts out to get into the record books, to inspire the younger players, to test our limits and just to play for the love of the game. Two minutes. Time out. 

The doctor leaned forward and smiled, “I think it’ll work out fine. I’d like you to get back into the game with your new knee- after all it’s the fourth quarter”. I make a note to go for the big play.

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4 Responses to The Game Plan

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I like the title and referring to the Game Plan of life that often doesn’t go quite like we planned. I hate to think about this being the last quarter…maybe we’ll get an overtime???


  2. marcsacher says:

    Knowing your style so well, I anticipated the type of ending, but enjoyed the journey nevertheless. Wondering what big play you have in mind. Oh, does this mean you’re looking to win this year’s ping pong tournament??? In any case, I admire that you do so much just sitting down! (bridge, chess, drawing/painting)


  3. gepawh says:

    Go big or go home!


  4. talebender says:

    I’m pretty sure my ‘big play’ days are well behind me, but I admire your optimism! Just be careful of that new knee when you do your end-zone dance!


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