
The times I’ve resolved to lose weight I have found

By the end of that year I have gained 15 pounds!

By resolving to exhibit some patience, I’ve gotten

More opportunities to be more patient, how rotten!

Those years that the Gym election was made

Pulled muscles and limping were how I was paid!

It seems the more “new” things that I plan

By February, those “things” get out of hand!

My attempts to be more flexible have been

Thwarted when my OCD has kicked in!

Each time that I’ve tried to improve what I’ve got

I’ve found that I’m very content with my lot

So, last night, when I heard the New Years bell ring,

I resolved, right then, not to change a damned thing!

About jrowe2328

the more I read of history and religion, the less sure I am that I have ever correctly understood what I learned as a child.
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6 Responses to Resolutions!

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Loved it and agree! I think by this age of wisdom that last line is warranted!!


  2. gepawh says:



  3. gepawh says:

    The resident poet, as always, with his words “allowing.”


  4. talebender says:

    Loved the rhythm and flow of your verse…..and the ending was perfect!


  5. Wonderful conclusion! As we get “older/bolder,” I find myself being more content with what I have and less wanting other things that I honestly don’t need. I love your poetry – it’s so down to earth and practical.


  6. pales62 says:

    Your poetry is always impressive. Wish I could do as well!


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