Something I Had To Write About The Word “Stupid”

I guess you can say we are stupid

We live in weather most humid. 

We had to look far and wide

For warmer weather in which to reside.

There is really no need to fear;

We senior citizens like it here

We have come from various places,

And we travel about at very different paces

We come from a place called “up north” –

A cold winter spot from which we’ve come forth.

Repeatedly, we pack, drive, or fly, as we execute our return

To visit our loved ones for whom we will always yearn.

We vacate the frozen tundra quickly as the winds start to blow.

At our age, none of us seems to tolerate the sight of snow.

Once we are back in the sun, what we enjoy the most

Are the frequent complaints of cold, while we are as warm as toast!

About Janet DeLeo

Author and Painter, Beachcomber
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4 Responses to Something I Had To Write About The Word “Stupid”

  1. This is something young, “up-north” people just don’t understand.


  2. pales62 says:

    We’re not stupid, nor is this piece! We live here…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. gepawh says:

    Hah! Could not have said it better myself. I felt a little “wicked” for resonating with the line:
    “What we enjoy the most
    “Are the frequent complaints of the cold, while we are warm as toast!”
    Next time at the meeting remind me, the poems do not format properly at first.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Teresa Kaye says:

    This was a fun summary of why we come here!! We are lucky to be in such a paradise.

    Liked by 1 person

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