
Currently on the world stage many leaders and other notables are justly being called stupid. So I decided to look up the word in the dictionary just to reassure myself that I understood its meaning.

I used my synonym finder to substantiate just what stupid encompasses in various contexts

Here are examples:

Dull-witted, dumb, unintelligent, fatuitous, insensate; I know someone that meets that description. I’ll bet you do too.

Let’s go on; gormless, that’s a new one on me, lame-brained, slow. Ah, yes the checkout clerk having trouble with making change.

I kinda like this next one; oxlike. Yes it’s one word but Apple auto correct disagrees making it well oxlike.

Incogitant, I might start using that as soon as I remember how to spell it.

Here’s a list of words with the suffix”witted”: dum, slow, half, fat, thick, and beef. I happen to like beef, witted or grilled,

Imbecile, moronic, retarded, subnormal, deficient, dense, thick, duncish, another new one on me, obtuse, and bovine. This is like beefwitted while still mooing, moving, and chewing it’s cud.

Cretinous, stolid, and little curiosity ; Boeotian ( that’s; B O E O T I A N), I’ll let the reader do the pronunciation for me if I missed it.

Addlepated, addlebrained. One for the outside pate, one for the inside brain. Addleheaded must encompass both. Makes one completely addled I suppose.

Lumpish, oafish, cloddish, boorish, blunt, crass and tactless. These last seven synonyms seem out of place to me. If you can understand that there are no true synonyms, these seven militate to the truth of that understanding.

Now here’s a few prefixes for the word; headed. Muddle, block, dunder, noodle, bone, wooden, and thick. Do any acquaintances come to mind?

So now, you can use this resource to express your feelings without sounding or even using the word stupid. it’s not nice to tell some one they’re stupid even if the only difference is the spelling.

And there’s more……. no , I won’t continue. Enough already. I counted 254 ways to say stupid without saying stupid. And “stupidity” had another quarter page more.

You can learn a lot by looking stupid; up.

About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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4 Responses to Stupid

  1. Good, thorough research. I love your comments after each section.


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    I love word games–thanks for sharing all this with us! I’ve added gormless to my vocabulary!


  3. pales62 says:

    Never knew about all the definitions you so wonderfully and humorously wrote about!


  4. gepawh says:

    Had me laughing and pondering at the same time. Funny, or is it “stupid” that we have more words to describe our lack of intelligence….


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