The Impetus of the Wind

It pushes and pulls, expands and contracts

Can take things away or bring them right back!

It can warm you with a soothing summer breeze

Or freeze you with a cold one up your sleeve!

It mesmerizes vision with gently swaying trees

But terrifies when whirling motion brings us to our knees!

It creates land by drying soil and blowing it around 

And in bent trees and etched stone art creations abound!

Wondrous aromas delight our sense when wafted to our nose

But eau de skunk or cigarette is ruinous to our clothes! 

Atmospheric pressures are it’s parents, creating kith and kin

We’re at it’s mercy many times, the Impetus of the Wind!

About jrowe2328

the more I read of history and religion, the less sure I am that I have ever correctly understood what I learned as a child.
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3 Responses to The Impetus of the Wind

  1. Your poetry getting better and better! 😀


  2. gepawh says:

    Very poetic! I wonder which is worse, the skunk or the cig….


  3. pales62 says:

    Dear Mr. Longfellow,
    You wrote a hell of a poem!


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