The energy that drives the wind originates with the sun, which heats the Earth unevenly, creating warm spots and cool spots. But is this the true impetus of the winds?

My personal preference: “Anemoi”! To our early ancestors, the wind must have been a real mystery. One moment the air would be still and stifling – in the next a refreshing breeze could move through.

A gale may blow in, destroying trees and even homes. The wind came from different directions and had different temperaments: sometimes helpful, other times almost vengeful in its fury.



The ancient Greeks believed in four wind gods, the Anemoi. Each with his own personality. They came with human flaws, benevolent or cruel as the mood struck them. Thus, the concept of the four winds was born.

Today, we know winds are part of nature without regard to humans, but the Greeks were without explanation other than the whims of a capricious quartet of supernatural beings.

Personally, I prefer the Greek explanation. Forget the weather channel and local weather reports. They’re often wrong. Go with the Greeks!

… and I call the wind Maria!

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4 Responses to GONE WITH THE WIND

  1. Maybe you meant Mariah? I remember the song well. Nature has always been unpredictable to Man, and may always remain so.


  2. jrowe2328 says:

    I agree with the Greeks! That Maria is some cool chick!


  3. gepawh says:

    A theory that makes great sense! I love you’ve named her Maria. A perfect name, calm off the tongue, yet so unpredictable!


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