They were on Fire

From a distance, it looked like a blazing fire with orange and gold glowing hues.  Closer in view, it was a molded gleaming gilded menagerie of symbols of a life’s work.

Thousands aged 20’s to 70’s gathered to palatable, near hysterical anxious energy in anticipation of their long-awaited and much unrequited lifelong dream.

Time seemed to stand still as minutes seemed like hours as everyone laser-focused on the brightly gold glow, illuminating more and more with each second.

Suddenly, blackness surrounded the bright golden light and in the near distance, framed the well-known ghostly silhouette of a silver mane holding his celebrated axe.

Mass hysteria exploded with the hordes of screams and cheers.  One musical guitar chord introduced a harmony of verse and rhythm, as the gold menagerie ascended to a crown.

It was a thrilling roller coaster of emotions, offering a rock symphony for all the senses.

Different colored lights pulsed danced as graphics guided a pictorial depiction to the musical journey of the soundtrack of their lives, evoking fond memories of the past.

The frenzy of continual joyful clamor culminated in a unified chorus solely accompanied by a one guitar amid a magical backdrop of single cell phone lights stuck in the darkness like stars abound in the night sky, beautifully illuminating the tender lyrical moment.

In the end, the crowd collectively smiled and exhaled in satisfaction.  The unique communal experience would not be forgotten.  They got what they came for.

Long live Queen.

About suzanneruddhamilton

I write anything from novels and children's books to plays to relate and retell everyday life experiences in a fun-filled read with heart, hope and humor. A former journalist and real estate marketing expert, I am a transplant from Chicago, now happily living in southwest Florida to keep warm and sunny all year round. You can find me at
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4 Responses to They were on Fire

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Great descriptive work! It’s kind of amazing that the age groups were from 20-70—that’s quite a span!! And the suspense was built throughout, leading to that last line! I guess I need to watch the movie now!


  2. hamiltonsuzanne says:

    Yes I did and I thought I wrote that. Either soellcheck or my eyes failed me. Thanks


  3. Evocative description of a crowd experience. Well done. (But maybe you meant palpable rather than palatable?)


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