Thor Invents Art

Fueled by the rapid expansion of the “Thor and More” barbecue franchise, the Thor financial empire grew exponentially. Capitalism worked pretty well. Thor also continued to experiment with flight, partly to increase his growing wealth and partly just for the fun of it. However, his attempt to achieve flight by strapping tree branches to his arms failed; running around the fields he was only able to achieve an altitude of one foot and that was only for a couple of seconds. His aid jumped off a cliff with feathers glued to his body, also without success. Thor was so pessimistic about that attempt he enlisted an employee for the try. Alas, the employee did not recover from his injuries.


Bored with the world of finance and science, Thor next invented art. He sketched on cave walls with charcoal. He tried his hand at sculpture, carving chunks of wood. He invented music too by hitting tree trunks of various sizes, blowing into shells and pulling on a vine strapped to a long hollow log with a hole near the bottom. These of course became known as drums, trumpets and guitars in later years.


Thor went on to combine all of these art forms into a thing called “playing”- later shortened to “play”. Participants re-enacted scenes from everyday life. It seemed that people wanted to see others act like them for some strange reason. The stories showed the actors as having great courage, overcoming adversity and often ending with a successful purchase of a select comfort mattress. The scenery and music previously invented enhanced the experience. The plays helped people feel positive about their lives and lowered the threat that the masses would take Thor’s coins. As an added benefit Thor made even more money on ticket sales and adult beverages. Select Mattress sales also boomed in a nice spin off business.


Thor also invented philanthropy as part of his work in the arts. He built a magnificent museum using a small percentage of his wealth. The museum showed the hardships of early life, making visitors feel superior over these sad early settlers. A concert hall attached to the museum, included a huge portrait of Thor of course to remind everyone how lucky they were to have Thor at the helm. It seems that philanthropy was good for business since it kept the masses busy enough to ignore Thor’s excessive lifestyle. Ever restless, Thor contemplated his next invention.




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3 Responses to Thor Invents Art

  1. You always manage to stick in a twist that makes me laugh. Good story. 😀


  2. pales62 says:

    These dudes might have invented a lot, but your invention was a good story!


  3. Teresa Kaye says:

    Enjoyed the Icarus references. You have a way to cutting to the core of the insanities of life today!! Adding the mattress sales was a nice touch! I’ve never been able to figure out why we have so many mattress stores…


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