

The Carib Indians called me Huracn, the Mayans knew me as Huraka. Call me by whatever name you like as long as you know I am to be feared. When I blow into town exhibiting my full fury, the sturdiest tree will bend and snap, roofs will be torn from their anchors, and the waters will rise to engulf the land that would normally hold them at bay.

For centuries people have tried to contain, or at least limit me, but to no avail. The Carib God of Evil knows no restrictions, refuses to be turned from his path of mayhem, and remains unpredictable. I am capable of mercy, but display it only rarely. In the midst of total devastation, I may leave a building or two unscathed. I must admit, I do it just to watch the perplexed look on people’s faces as they try to fathom why.

Whether I rush by in a matter of hours or linger for several days, the result of my passing will last for months, possibly years. Yes, it is good to be Huracn the God of Evil.


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3 Responses to Huracn

  1. Well written. I love your stories and this is one that made me shudder a little bit. 😀


  2. pales62 says:

    The God of Evil obviously pushed you to pen a good story!


  3. Teresa Kaye says:

    We have tried for centuries to contain or limit nature with little success…glad to know there is some mercy in there somewhere!!


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