Oh, The Places We’ll Ride

Up and down the hills we go,

with other colorful shirts in tow.

The asphalt is hot under my wheels

but oh, just listen to those squeals.

Up an eleven percent grade and down,

as we ride into a midwest sleepy town.

The well trained ones get up and down with ease,

with others trying to catch up with some pumping of knees.

It’s not easy to balance, dismount, and ride,

but I will take my traveler with adventurous pride.





About CarolB

I currently relocated to Fort Myers, Florida to share my retirement activities with my husband of 35 years. Since November 2018, we have rented a condo, purchased a condo, played golf, taken many bike rides, and enjoyed the sunshine on the beautiful beaches of Florida.
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3 Responses to Oh, The Places We’ll Ride

  1. gepawh says:

    Rhyming joy!


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    Great description of summer fun as a kid! Brought back some fun memories.


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