That’s the Breaks


That’s the Breaks



“Something’s Broken”

By Tim McGraw


Could be my ego, could be my pride

Or maybe my calm cool collective side

Might be my heart comin’ eye to eye

With the truth that she wasn’t jokin’


Estralita Vander Looten held the extremely honored position of my eighth-grade crush. She was an incredibly gorgeous example of just what I was looking for – a perfect specimen of feminine pulchritude.

Yet, it took me months the garner the courage to ask her out.

When I did, she actually said yes! Wow!

We had a few “dates”, if you could call them that. A movie. A football game. A game of spin-the-bottle. Post-office.

Then, out of nowhere, she stopped saying “yes”! Oh, the horrible horror! She actually said, “no”! The result: an acute broken heart and a compound fracture of my ego!

It turned out that she preferred older men. She started dating a ninth-grader. A further fracturing of the fault line in my heart!

But, aha, I got even! A ninth-grader, Hortensia Finklestein, asked me out!

Strutting down the hallway with my new, prestige “squeeze” in front of Estralita, quickly knitted my crushed ego and filled in the clef in my now, proudly-beating heart.

Alas, this too was short-lived.

Hortensia started up with a junior in high school! No way to compete. Heart and ego re-damaged!

I searched in vain for another Estralita or an alternate Hortensia to heal the breaks, to no avail.

Hey, I’ll knock-’em-dead in the ninth grade.

If not, there’s always my sophomore and junior years to heal the breach!


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4 Responses to That’s the Breaks

  1. I love the “fracturing of the fault line in my heart.” I would never go back to re-live those painful teen years, even if it added more years to the end of my life. Well written!


  2. gepawh says:

    Ah,,,,,,,the heartache of youth! You capture it in your humor. The good news is that it was only a few years and you’ve mastered life after all….


  3. Teresa Kaye says:

    I worked with lots of heartbroken teens facing these horrors of that stage of life and you have captured it! Living there included daily highs and lows! I don’t know how you come up with these character names, but they are marvelous!


  4. leeroc2 says:

    Ah, the pains of adolescence. The terror of talking to a girl. Wish we could just tweet back then. Much easier. We can comfort ourselves in the fact that our rejectors may be in a third round of rehab. Too bad they didn’t see what they missed by ignoring us.

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