Once upon a time, there was a massive, whole earth conflagration. A vicious dictator (Adolph Mussolini Idi Amin Dada) arose to rule over the worn-torn earth or what was left of it.

His first act upon seizing power was to ban and destroy all books and written material. Ideas were an anethama to the new regime. Anyone disobeying this edict would be promptly put to death!

Ironically, the last book on earth turned out to be the “word” of the new dictatorship. It was the “Boy Scout’s Handbook”! It would be used by the dear leader to guide and verify every evil perpetrated on the remaining members of the human race.

This was rule by a book first printed in 1910!


Some examples:

1-every citizen, with no exceptions, had to master fire-building, camping and cooking.

2-hiking, swimming and physical fitness were designed to adhere to strict athletic standards. Failing any equaled death!

3-Each and everyone had to become proficient in knots, rowing and sailing. Failure in anyone of these three resulted in death by drowning!

There were many other standards to be met, too numerous to list here, but failure in any one of these also resulted in immediate execution!

Each citizen was tested in all facets of the new world of scouting, on a regular basis. There simply was no excuse for failure!

This law kept population growth under control as there was simply not enough food to feed what was left of the world’s population.

Then, an additional disaster!


There was a massive explosion of an advanced-design hydrogen bomb. The handbook was destroyed!

No one knew where to turn. The Dear Leader was at a loss on how to govern with no holy handbook guidance.

The lack of a book led to further destruction of the earth. The dictator was overthrown. A new ruling junta, led by Francisco Franco Saddam Sukarno, was assembled.

The junta ruled and survived from then on with no book to guide them. They simply ruled by the simple phrase: “Be prepared”




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3 Responses to BOOK HIM, DAN-O

  1. Well thought-out. It scares me to think that someday you might rule the world!


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    (The original Hawaii 5-0 was one of my favorite shows!) I like the use of the Boy Scout Handbook and the motto–it does still work!! And do you think your work would be Utopian or Dystopian??


  3. gepawh says:

    Excellent! You make me marvel at your use of names (very creative). You make your story’s point with humor!


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