Present Me to Past Me

You are better than you think you are. I’ve been you and I’ll be you: believe it.

You don’t have to be a man to have a successful career.

  1. You don’t have to be a receptionist; you can be a CEO.
  2. You don’t have to be a nurse; you can be a doctor.
  3. You don’t have to be a teacher; you can be a principal.
  4. You don’t have to be a clerk; you can be a CPA.
  5. Fill in the blanks to suit yourself. Prepare now to step into the role you want when the time is right.

You will be a mother. For all the sacrifices that will entail, it will be worth every minute. Forgive your children when they make mistakes and help them become better people.

Forgive your parents for all the things they did that you didn’t agree with. It will be your turn to make the same mistakes and you will eventually have to ask for forgiveness from your own children.

Forgive yourself. You will make mistakes – as a parent, as a worker, as a Child of God – in everything you will attempt. You’re normal. Do what you can to rectify the situations you create, then move on.

Be faithful. To God. To yourself. To your parents. To your neighbors and friends. To your boss. To your spouse. All the time, not just when you think you might be caught. This is not about them, it’s about you.

Do not judge. Be kind. This applies to yourself even more than to the rest of the world. It’s okay to take pride in your accomplishments, but make sure it is justified and, even then, don’t boast.

Be loving to those around you and to yourself. Sometimes you will be the only one to know what you have thought and what you have done. Take those thoughts and turn them into love and kindness, internal and external.

Be the best that you can be, every single day. It takes a lot of practice.

Repeat, because you are stubborn and at first you won’t believe it: You are better than you think you are.

About J. E. Marksteiner

J. E. Marksteiner lives in (usually) sunny Florida with her long-suffering husband who indulges her passion for writing. Publications on Amazon include Living in the Undimension, Tales from the Bottom Drawer, Reluctant Mystic, Three Crones: Over the Fence (with P. Jo Richmond and C. J. Hesse) and three short stories: The Bus Stops Here, The Brides' Locket, and Visiting Days. She welcomes comments from readers.
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3 Responses to Present Me to Past Me

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Excellent, compassionate recommendations!!


  2. gepawh says:

    Beautiful words of powerful truths!


  3. leeroc2 says:

    Forgiveness is the other side of the reach high side. They compliment each other. We will faulter. Great advice. Lee


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