
Jealousy is a green-eyed devil, luring us down the path of least resistance. Wanting, but not providing, tempting, but not delivering, always believing that life is coming up short of what it should be.

Jealousy at its root is insecurity, causing us to believe that we are inadequate, undesirable, less somehow than somebody, or everybody, else. If only we could be as talented, as beautiful, as rich, as enticing as other people, we would be happy, or at least happier.

Jealousy causes us to yearn for what is just out of reach, unattainable no matter how we stretch and grasp for our goal. Perfection is somewhere in the future, never where we are.

Jealousy wants all of our time, all of our attention, and forbids any compromise. It is never good enough to settle for less than we believe we should be or should have. It grows in the petri dish of our unhappiness, and we willingly feed it, then unhappily watch it develop as it will.

Jealousy can be conquered. It may take an extra large helping of love, forgiveness, and faith in the future and in ourselves.

No one else can conquer your jealousy; the battle will take place within you, and you must win it yourself. It may be the most difficult conflict you have ever encountered, but it may also give you the greatest gratification when you succeed, and peace returns to your life.

About J. E. Marksteiner

J. E. Marksteiner lives in (usually) sunny Florida with her long-suffering husband who indulges her passion for writing. Publications on Amazon include Living in the Undimension, Tales from the Bottom Drawer, Reluctant Mystic, Three Crones: Over the Fence (with P. Jo Richmond and C. J. Hesse) and three short stories: The Bus Stops Here, The Brides' Locket, and Visiting Days. She welcomes comments from readers.
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10 Responses to Jealousy

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Well done. I’m kind of fascinated by the Petri dish idea and now wondering how many dishes we each have and which are positive and which are negative….? Stay tuned.


  2. pales62 says:

    You covered jealousy and then some! Wow! I am jealous of your writing!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. gepawh says:

    Should have said lives

    Liked by 1 person

  4. gepawh says:

    Profound and perfect definition of jealousy. Anyone reading it can almost taste a moment in their live just by reading these words….

    Liked by 1 person

  5. leeroc2 says:

    Well said. Loved the personification twist making jealousy more real. Maybe you could capitalize the J in jealousy. Too obvious or a social satire exaggeration? I would lean towards the capital j but that’s my style. Great point and well written

    Liked by 1 person

  6. wordsmith50 says:

    Wow! You certainly wrote that with conviction and forethought. Impressive!

    Liked by 1 person

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