The Neighbor

The knock of jealousy came knocking at his door, only to be ignored.

He didn’t want to shake hands with his neighbor.

He knew his neighbor would be back, but with a stronger consequence.

He knew the neighbor all too well, who came and went throughout his life.

He made an agreement with his mind to forget, to move on.

He could move, but so could his neighbor.

He had lost many times to this illusive neighbor, how many times he could not count.

The knock of jealousy came knocking on his door, only this time to be answered .














About CarolB

I currently relocated to Fort Myers, Florida to share my retirement activities with my husband of 35 years. Since November 2018, we have rented a condo, purchased a condo, played golf, taken many bike rides, and enjoyed the sunshine on the beautiful beaches of Florida.
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3 Responses to The Neighbor

  1. Oh, yes, that persistent knocking on a door that we would rather keep closed. I look forward to seeing more of your writing.


  2. CarolB says:

    Thank you…I haven’t been writing over the last five years or so. I appreciate your comment and plan to start writing again, now that I am retired.


  3. gepawh says:

    Your words hint at something deeper and then leave us wondering what happened when the door was answered. Nice!


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