Othello Reprise!

She’s been the love of his life. He’d been so happy, til now!

Paul was devastated, Cassie was cheating on him, he just knew it! 

He’d suspected her dallying for a couple of months now, so he followed her for confirmation. Sure enough, she was meeting a man once a week at his apartment, hugging him as they met and again as she left. She’d stay a couple hours each time.

Paul burned inside, how could she do this to him? She was really good, he thought, outwardly she gave no sign of philandering. She showed no guilt around Paul, she acted happy.

But he was not fooled!

Now he had proof, what was he going to do? Revenge, he thought, I’ll get even with them both!

This thought calmed him and allowed him to tolerate Cassie’s presence in their home. He took her cue and acted jovial, as if nothing was suspected.

But he plotted!

After a couple more weeks, he’d formed a plan of sorts. He bought a handgun at a local gun store, of course, passing the background check.

He would confront Cassie and her lover at the apartment and kill them both. The black cloud of jealousy over his brain allowed no other recourse.

Paul picked his day, loaded his gun and followed Cassie to the apartment.

He waited 30 minutes so he could catch them in the act, then politely knocked on the door, gun in his pocket.

Cassie opened the door, fully clothed, smiled at Paul and exclaimed, “Oh, you’re spoiling Don’s surprise!”

Paul paled at the sight of Don, the younger brother he’d not seen in over 10 years, having lost him to the streets on alcohol and drugs. Before him stood his brother, clean and sober, shaven and neatly dressed.

“I’ve been clean for overs 6 months now. I called Cassie after I got out of rehab for advice and support, she’s been helping me learn to like myself and learn to live again’, Don explained, ‘ I wanted to surprise you next week on your birthday”.

Tears streamed down Paul’s cheeks, wordlessly he grabbed his brother in a bear hug and kissed him on the cheek. 

He stood looking at Don for a moment, the enormity of the mistake he’d almost made praying heavily on his mind.

Paul, turned to his wife and fell on his knees grasping her around the waist and crying into her skirt.

He rose,” Thank you!” was all he could muster at that moment.

Over time, Paul forgave himself. He regained confidence in himself and Cassie. He realized how jealousy had prompted him to near catastrophe.

Paul used this opportunity at redemption wisely and became a better man, loving himself more which allowed him to love those close to him more.

He took the gun to the local police department and turned it in.

About jrowe2328

the more I read of history and religion, the less sure I am that I have ever correctly understood what I learned as a child.
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3 Responses to Othello Reprise!

  1. pales62 says:

    Hey brother, that’s a nice piece of writing!


  2. Good story about the pitfalls of being blinded by emotion. I especially like your phrase, “the black cloud of jealousy over his brain.” So glad it had a happy ending!!!


  3. gepawh says:

    A tale of many emotions with a happy ending! Well Done

    PS- maybe it’s the New York cynic in me but I think Cassie and Don….


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