Contradiction in Terms!

I am a contradiction, it seems

Though it hasn’t prevented fulfilling my dreams!

If I go by the weight charts, I’m 6 foot 4,

Yet, in fact, I’m really more close to the floor!

Enigma is not what I thought of as me

When planning and searching for who I would be!

But, planning and searching don’t always prove true

In finding that person who ends up as you!

Much of youth is spent seeing self through the crowd

And living your life with the volume turned loud!

You do better with age and you learn to be true

To the person inside who’s become the real you!

Now you relish the present, not rueing the past

Nor fearing the future, self awareness at last!

About jrowe2328

the more I read of history and religion, the less sure I am that I have ever correctly understood what I learned as a child.
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1 Response to Contradiction in Terms!

  1. I love this! With age comes wisdom – not always but, it appears, in your case. 😀


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