World Peace and Prosperity

The news was always great on PNN, Positivity News Network, formerly Fox News. Life is truly great. You could enjoy your breakfast on your spacious Amazon Rainforest deck nibbling fresh pineapple flown in from Costa Rica and guava from El Slavador. You sip your rich Sumatra coffee from Africa while you check your portfolio on Bloomberg. You feel great having slept well on your 800 count silk linens made from refined yak fiber courtesy of northern Finnish herders. The sleep number bed carefully calibrated to massage every part of your body was also a nice treat, thanks to the loving care of the happy factory children of Korean.


With a flick of the wrist, The Trump International Golf Tournament appears on the wide screen panel at the end of the deck, live from the former temple at Ankor Wat. The beautiful people at last have their perfect 18 holes. The par 5 first hole features teeing off at the top of the temple across lilly pad filled ponds surrounding a lush green with the chief monk holding the flag. Amazing. Breaking News intrudes on this paradise.


The 7 billion people that were not in the 1% suddenly without warning rose up as one. They stormed the gates, blocked the roads, ravaged the Amazon warehouses and shut off the latte machines at 3.1 million Starbucks. All of this took place in a few hours almost before my Sumatra blend could get cold. Apparently these unfortunates were not so happy, in spite of the generous universal wage we at the top gave them to stave off just such an event.



The collapse of Capitalism was swift. In a matter of a few weeks the top 1% were all executed in the manner appropriate to their wealth. Many drowned in tanks of money. Others were forced to watch endless loops of Kardashian videos extoling the virtues of waxing and tummy tucks until all life force fled and they were mercifully dispatched to someplace splendid no doubt. Still others were forced to drink cheap wine in plastic cups and eat well done filet mignon. These poor souls suffered their torture bravely, but similarly succumbed.


The revolution around the world went well at first. People were happy and they enjoyed the privileges of the wealthy for a brief time. But the yachts and private jets soon broke down. There was no re-supply of gnu brain souffle due to the new laws protecting the gnus. This was good news for the gnus, however.


Soon some of the little people decided they needed more of the pie since they were the architects of the revolution. They insisted on having more of the new currency- coconuts. As a side note, gold was eliminated as the world currency due to its being favored by the 1%. The coconuts were difficult to exchange, particularly when it cost 7 coconuts for a Happy Meal. So paper currency was created with coconuts of various sizes and colors imprinted on the bills. Of course, the currency could be exchanged for real coconuts stored on several south Pacific islands.


Soon the architects of the revolution began to accumulate more and more coconut bills. And so it all began, again.

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1 Response to World Peace and Prosperity

  1. Ah, yes. The cycle repeats. Depressing, isn’t it?


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