Felix and his wife, Santana, worked hard all their lives, finally saving enough money to retire. They purchased a cozy home in a 55-and-over community, Called “Shady Acres”, in southern Florida.

They were blissfully happy in their new house, that is, until Alowishus and Brunilda Farnsworth moved in next door.

Every time Felix saw Alowishus, the dude found something wrong:

Bushes weren’t trimmed

Mulch was on the driveway

Grass was too high

Car was dirty

Mold was everywhere

Too many weeds

Etc., etc., etc.

Finally, Felix got sick and tired of this almost daily criticism, but he didn’t want to start a feud with a neighbor that might live next to him for years.




Santana suggested that he quietly, and with great tact, talk to his neighbor. Still he was hesitant.

At last, he decided to give Alowishus more with which to be concerned:

Left bushes untrimmed

Spread mulch on the driveway

Stopped cutting the grass

Never washed his car

Let weeds proliferate

Etc., etc., etc.

This was all too much for Alowishus to handle.

One day he and his wife quietly moved away.

Months later news came back that Alowishus was demonstrating this same compulsive behavior, but his new neighbor was not as understanding as Felix.



The new neighbor snapped, attacking Alowishus with an electric hedge-trimmer!

The neighbor was arrested.

Alowhishus, true to his exaggerated neurosis, displayed the neatest, cleanest bandages ever seen!








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4 Responses to OCD

  1. And we re left to guess who were your models for the characters. 😀


  2. gepawh says:

    I want to live in “Shady Acres” in between Alowhisus and Felix. It would be most entertaining!!


  3. Teresa Kaye says:

    That’s quite an interesting description of neighborliness! I especially liked the last line about the guy even having neat bandages!


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