Worry no more

Back up north is the cooler but comfortable environs I paused to think about “worrying”. I have chosen for the most part to not worry anymore.

Well, you might think, is this writer for real? Yes he is.

Example: The Mrs. just arrived home from a shopping trip with the ladies only. Money on the way out? I really don’t care. Spend it as she did but I know she is far more frugal than I. So? No worries there.

But worry? She still seems to worry about how I do the wash. Can you really imagine worrying about the wash? After all I’ve been washing my own, my wife’s, and my kids, now back to just my own and my wife’s for 50 plus years. How on earth can I get anything wrong?

I can’t, I didn’t, and I wouldn’t but I heard about it. I ask: Is that something to worry about. Your answer please. Oh, I thought so.

Now let us turn to a more important game. Golf.

My friends are beginning to worry about declining distance on the various shots they try.

A year ago, a wonderful man named Bob Nelson and I played together in a foursome. It was at the Pelican Preserve and I was 73 then and he was 20 years older than me. Yup, 93 years old.

We played a few holes and I was driving the golf cart. It was a near 90 degree day and sweat was prevalent on everybody. Bob returned to the cart and appeared to be distraught, physically distressed. Perhaps a health issue was taking hold. I quickly assessed my “first responder ” regimen and realized I no longer had one in my memory. So I asked Bob are you alright? Yes, he responded,” it’s just that I don’t hit the ball as far as I used to”. What? I said. That is certainly nothing to worry about. I hope I can still sit up and take nourishment at 90. You really have nothing to worry about.

But, worry, is not completely gone from me. My oldest grandson will turn 16 at the end of the month. The milestone of a Driver’s license looms. Now, it is again getting difficult not to worry.

Years ago as a young State Trooper I policed a terrible accident involving a 16 year old. Death and disablement prevailed. So now I’ve got something to worry about again.

From the mundane to the real life worries I go. I guess I have too much time on my hands and my mind. But I’m not going to worry about it, am I?

About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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2 Responses to Worry no more

  1. Ah, worry is so hard to cast aside, isn’t it? When we do, we feel guilty and worry that we should be more worried! 😀


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    I like your stream of consciousness writing for this prompt–pretty typical for our generation! The perspective is good too–we often forget to value what we have.


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