Akira Takahashi was married to his beloved wife, Akahana Yamamato, the granddaughter of World War II Admiral Isoraku Yamamoto, the commander of the naval raid on Pearl Harbor.

Akira and Akahana lived and loved together for forty-eight years. Their relationship was extremely close. Akira was devoted to his wife like no other.

One night, before sleep, Akira was listening to his favorite song by the rock group Styx: “Domo Arrigato, Mr. Robato”, from the rock opera, “Kilroy Was Here”.

As soon as the tune was over, Akira crawled into bed next to his beloved goddess, Akahana, as he did for forty-eight years, falling into a sweet, deep sleep.

He awoke before his wife and prepared the usual morning meal of tea and rice cakes. He brought the breakfast tray into the bedroom, staring lovingly at the near-perfect visage of the beautiful, Akahana.




He awoke her and poured the tea. She thanked him, but said she was not hungry. Strange – she never turned down morning tea. He thought nothing of it. Their day proceeded normally.

That night, he was overcome with lust. After the usual foreplay proceeded in normal fashion, he tried to complete the sex act, but instead heard a strange rumbling sound emanating from his beloved. Then, out of nowhere came the same song he listened to the night before,

with different lyrics:

“Thank you very much, MRS. Robato

Until the day we meet again

Thank you very much, MRS. Robato

I want to know your secret”

Completely taken by surprise, Akira did not know what to do. Then he said” “the jigoku (hell) with it” and completed the sex act!






Akira and Akahana, the robot, lived together for another ten years! No one ever discovered their secret. It did not matter. Akira was a happy man! Thank you, MRS. Robato! (and he saved a bundle not having to buy as much tea and rice cakes!)

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  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    You have a way of blending many elements into your stories…music, history, diversity of culture, fun-sounding names, and human nature! I’m glad the couple had such a great long-lasting relationship!


  2. gepawh says:

    Another hilarious tale of tea, rice cakes and other lusts of the heart!


  3. It appears that Mrs. Robato was the perfect Japanese wife. No wonder he didn’t figure it out sooner.


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