The Story of Mary

I awoke to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and the sounds of sizzling bacon. Mary’s angelic singing brought me to heaven’s gate.


I strolled into our spacious kitchen to find Mary offering a steaming cup of coffee- hazelnut of course. She was dressed in her finest silk negligee. She delivered a big hug and a long wet kiss as her hand slid downward slowly against my awakening body.


For the appetizer Mary reached over to the plate on the island and withdrew a slice of crispy bacon placing the tip in her mouth and advancing the other tip slowly to my welcoming mouth. As we nibbled our way forward our lips finally met. In her throaty voice she whispered, “Frederick, are we having a good morning?”


All of me was having a good morning including Freddie who was at full salute by now and about to pledge allegiance. Mary’s negligee opened to reveal her perfect, glowing anatomy. If it wasn’t for Freddie I might have lingered a bit to enjoy the landscape. It’s true, everything does go better with bacon.


What a way to celebrate our first anniversary. It was also an amazing send off. I was committed to a five day business trip to Hong Kong. Mary insisted that she would drive; the chauffer should not have the privilege of seeing me off. She was, after some training, a rather excellent driver. Mary met me at the door in her full length fur with dazzling gold earrings.


The drive to the private airport near the city was only about 45 minutes away. My jet would be ready and I would soon be in the air. I focused on Mary’s recitation of the latest Wall Street Journal news. She had become quite a fan. She spoke about the latest market trends and the downturn in the bond market. She also slipped in some travel news; she has enjoyed the travel and arts sections of the New York Times. She had some interesting ideas about an anniversary get away week soon after my return.


Mary pulled the Bentley up to the departure gate and she was greeted by Juan who opened the door and offered his hand. The luggage was minimal and it was placed gently on the sidewalk by Juan’s assistant. Mary gave me a long, passionate goodbye kiss as her hands lowered to say goodbye to Freddie. At that moment as if on cue, the fur decided to part and offer a slight view of her naked body. Juan looked a bit unsteady as he stood by my side. My thoughts announced, “Yes Juan, I am a lucky man”. I passed a 100 dollar bill to Juan and told him to watch the car while Mary and I walked to the gate. I wanted to enjoy every moment before departure.


Hong Kong was uneventful. I enjoyed a few skype visits with Mary, looking ravishing as usual. I was never so pleased with a purchase. Model 2005XR was worth every penny of the 1.2 million. She was as advertised. I was glad I upgraded her intelligence package too. I was able to introduce her to the arts, theater and business. She was a fast learner.


Landing late, I took the limo home. As I passed through the gate I had a strange sickening feeling. In a few moments my worst fears were confirmed. The letter on the kitchen island read…


“Thank you for everything darling, but I sadly must say it’s over. Juan and I spent the day in the Bentley before I decided to introduce him to a new life. We are in Argentina now. I won’t be needing any alimony since I withdrew 25 million from your Cayman accounts. I really appreciate your business training. It has already come in handy. Juan is teaching me Spanish and I am teaching him quite a lot too. We are headed for the opera tonight. Thanks again for everything”…Mary


I slumped into my recliner. After a few taps on my tablet, the truth was revealed. The warranty was up at one year and I had not purchased the optional extended warranty. Sad.

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4 Responses to The Story of Mary

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I think I’m going to start reading your stories from the last paragraph to the first! The twists at the end always surprise me. Great irony!


  2. gepawh says:

    The thief of hearts is always a Don “Juan!” Humorous as always.


  3. Never leave perfection alone without a chaperone.


  4. jrowe2328 says:

    Just as I expected. Juan, that dog! Next time, remember to buy the extended warranty(prenup)!


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