The Write Stuff

Signs began appearing on abandoned K-Mart stores and other large empty buildings around the country. The Write Stuff, a play on words to be sure, was the name of a new company designed specifically for the aspiring writer. For a cost similar to a gym membership, the budding author would have access to resources unlike anything their predecessors could have dreamed of. The large buildings were divided into categories: Sci-Fi, Thriller, Mystery, Romance, Horror, Fantasy, Historical and Non-Fiction. Like-minded new authors would meet in their specific room’s conference area to exchange ideas. Writers were allowed to change from genre to genre as their stories or interests evolved. The rooms were further divided into private cubicles where authors could create in complete quiet, but have access to tutors and reference materials as needed. All works were saved to the company server and published in the author’s name for the general public to read, review and critique.

The concept grew surprisingly fast as people who had never written more than a paper for high school decided they had a story to tell. Of course, most of the works were mediocre at best, but some best sellers did see the light of day. The parent company started in the U.S. and quickly expanded to Europe and Asia. Like many large corporations, the owners and money people remained in the shadows for a very good reason.

Titan, Jupiter’s sixth moon.

They called themselves the Originals because that’s exactly what they were. Billions of years ago their species was the first to become sentient. They continued to advance until reaching a fork in the evolutionary road. Option 1: retain a physical body that had reached its full potential and was slowly heading for extinction, or Option 2: discard a dying body and continue to exist as ethereal beings into eternity. At the time, the choice seemed simple and they, as a race, discarded their physical form. Now the Originals were free to travel to all corners of the universe without the need for physical life support that their former bodies required.

It took several thousand years before the Originals became bored. They were a race of scientists and after all the mysteries were solved there was nothing left to stimulate them. Lethargy set in and the Originals went in search of a stimulus of some kind. Direct contact with another species was risky because there was always a chance of contamination, besides, all the other species they had found were no more advanced than amoebas. Then they found Earth.

The Originals monitored the blue planet and discovered the indigenous species, Humans, were too dangerous for direct contact. After further observation it was discovered that Humans had an exceptional capacity to create stories from simple phrases or single words. For all their millennia of existence, the Originals had no capacity for this form of creativity; it mystified and intrigued them. From Titan they were able to nudge, persuade and guide the Humans into producing more stories. To the Originals they weren’t just stories but an explosion of inspiration not experienced since they had shed their bodies.

A true symbiotic relationship is one that benefits both parties equally and that is what the Originals intend to create with their oblivious Human counterpart. By continuing to foster the Human’s writing abilities the Originals will gain a new purpose for life and the Humans may become a more refined and tolerant race. If that happens the two halves may meet one day.

Until then!

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1 Response to The Write Stuff

  1. The real Original here is you! Well written, fun story. 🙂


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