What’s That Sound?

Adam was awakened by a sound he had never heard before. Opening his eyes, he saw his new spouse chewing on something, something forbidden!

“What are you doing? We aren’t supposed to eat that!”

“I know, but I was hungry and … there it was. He’ll never miss just one. And, besides, now I know why he didn’t want us to eat it – it’s really good. I think I’ll have another one.”

“No …” moaned Adam. “This is the beginning of the end.”

About J. E. Marksteiner

J. E. Marksteiner lives in (usually) sunny Florida with her long-suffering husband who indulges her passion for writing. Publications on Amazon include Living in the Undimension, Tales from the Bottom Drawer, Reluctant Mystic, Three Crones: Over the Fence (with P. Jo Richmond and C. J. Hesse) and three short stories: The Bus Stops Here, The Brides' Locket, and Visiting Days. She welcomes comments from readers.
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5 Responses to What’s That Sound?

  1. hamiltonsuzanne says:

    Very cleaver…I didn’t guess it was Adam and Eve…could have been anything. Intriguing


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    A fun twist for the prompt! I think it’s potato chips!!


  3. gepawh says:

    Interesting and intriguing story in few words. Excellent!


  4. pales62 says:

    A food the”beginning of the end”? Most interesting…

    Liked by 1 person

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