What Was That Noise?

Chapter 1


I don’t know why I do it, but I always do. The first think I do when awakened abruptly is to check the clock. Somehow knowing what time it is provides a tiny measure of reassurance. At least I know the time. I can’t control anything else- especially in the pitch black dark of night. It’s 2:59. My wife sleeps soundly while my ears perk up, figuratively, as I search for the sound. My brain computes millions of searches through 60 years of files. No luck. I don’t know that sound.


There it is again. Maybe it’s a small engine running. It starts, slows, stops and starts all over again in a repeating pattern. Who would be running machinery at this hour? Everyone is asleep by 11 in this neighborhood. Maybe it’s some kind of animal. It may be a moaning sound. But it does not sound like a distress call. The tone, pitch and frequency are very regular.


I stumble out of bed, secure that this castle is well protected. Our motion detectors have been quiet. No lights have flashed on in the front, back or side yard. There has been no sign of an attempt at entry. All the lights are green on the security panel near the solid steel front door. In the midst of all the high tech safety features, I installed a chain lock to the front door. I know it was silly but right now, I felt a bit safer with this glistening gold chain protecting me like some kind of Talisman.


I press a few keys and slowly start scanning the perimeter. Infrared cameras sweep the premises at least 50 yards in all directions. There it is again. A moaning sound like “uhhh, uhhh, uhhh” brings my brain to full alertness. As the cameras continue their scanning, a sudden chill hits me and my heart quickens. The reptilian part of my brain has spotted danger, something missed by these eyes. Pushing another button, a box at the end of the long driveway comes into view. The box appears to be about two feet by two feet by two feet. There appears to be no visible labels that are typical of UPS and FedEx. Besides, I’ve never heard of a night delivery.


Someone put it there.


I hear Bradley stirring. He is wandering slowly towards me. The click, click of his nails seems piercingly loud on the tile floor in the otherwise dead silence. His tail and ears are erect. This lab knows trouble when he hears it.


Bradley stares out the narrow window to the left of the front door. “What do you see, Bradley?” I feel a bit stupid actually talking to a dog but I wish he could speak. He may have spotted something the cameras and I have missed. He emits a low growl.


I stare out the same window. All I see is the box which seems to taunt me and dare me to come out of my fortress and get it. The camera strains its lenses to search for details. There is some writing on the side of the box. It may say “Fragile” but all I can make out is the capital “F”. The tape seems to have been applied with some haste. The tape lay on the top and sides of the box at odd angles, in several short strips. There was a dent in the side of the box as if the box had been used previously or it had been badly mistreated.


My logic says get out there and get the package. Technology and Bradley are at my side. What could go wrong?

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3 Responses to What Was That Noise?

  1. hamiltonsuzanne says:

    What a dilemma…you have me on the edge of my seat.


  2. “What could go wrong?” Indeed. My guess is that the box contains some kind of animal that will jump out, claws extended, then run for the nearby woods. Now the question becomes … who done it?


  3. Teresa Kaye says:

    You have given us lots of questions to be answered in future chapters! I like the description of what it’s like to be inside a castle informed only by our cameras to the outside world. Am not sure that’s where I want my future to be! Loved the description of the sound of the dog’s nails clicking on the floor–it adds to the mystery and sort of a frightened feeling overall (piercingly loud). I say forget the box and go back to bed!


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