Don’t Stop

Don’t stop…

Welcoming sunrises,

Singing in the shower,

Smiling at strangers,

Stretching – physically and mentally,

Loving, learning and laughing.

Don’t stop…

Relaxing to the sound of ocean waves,

Hearing the rain tapping on your roof,

Jumping in an occasional puddle,

Seeing familiar shapes in passing clouds,

Building sand castles and snowmen, or

Skipping stones across the water.

Don’t stop…

Spending time with family,

Teaching grandkids life’s important lessons, but

Listening more than talking,

Facing your fears,

Helping those in need, and

Marveling at sunsets.


Marc Sacher,  March 2019

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4 Responses to Don’t Stop

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Great advice and an interesting response to the prompt–your list is going on my fridge!


  2. Don’t stop opening your heart and loving life! Well done, Marc.


  3. hamiltonsuzanne says:

    sounds like a good list to live life by…


  4. pales62 says:

    Don’t stop writing pieces like this.Excellent!


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