“Ring around the Rosie”


Mystifying Marvin and his assistant, Bodacious Brenda, worked the senior circuit, which meant they performed at 55+ and assisted living communities. The duo, whose shows never lasted past 9:00 p.m., bewildered and impressed their audiences with sleight of hand and Marvin’s specialty, hypnosis. Brenda would meander through the crowd selecting unsuspecting and relatively spry audience members to participate in the hypnosis segment of the act.

Marvin would normally start with one “volunteer”, placing him or her in a hypnotic state and asking that person to act out a specific scenario. The number of people on stage would grow to twenty or so. With assistance from Brenda, the large group was divided into smaller groups and Marvin would disseminate specific instructions to each cluster. The hypnotist would say a predetermined command and the assemblage would start to mimic barnyard animals. Four or five would strut and cluck like chickens, several others began mooing like cows, still others bleated like sheep. It was all great fun and the audience usually delivered a standing ovation. Their show performed in all the local venues then departed for the next town.

Two days later, an armored car pulled up in front of the local bank, two guards exited with a hand truck and entered the establishment. Per protocol, a third guard stayed in the truck protecting the valuable cargo within. He would reopen the vehicle’s rear door when his partners emerged from the bank with their cargo. After the guards entered the bank a small group of elderly people began gathering by the building’s doorway. The small group started growing in number until, when the guards re-emerged, there were approximately thirty-five seniors meandering around aimlessly in the area between the bank and the armored truck. The guards, both in their late twenties, didn’t feel threatened by a gaggle of expressionless grey hairs and started shouldering their way through the throng towards the truck. Their partner, seeing the guards approach, opened the vehicle’s door.

It was at the precise time the guards were in the midst of the retirees that a person wearing a loose fitting top coat, loose black pants, black shoes, a balaclava, and a V-for Vengeance mask, stepped from an adjacent alleyway. The person, sex undeterminable, placed a seventies style boom box on the sidewalk and pushed the play button.

Upon hearing the song “Ring around the Rosie” sung by a children’s choir, the group formed a tight circle around the guards, held hands, and joined in singing the old ditty. When the lyrics “we all fall down” were reached the crowd did exactly that. The perplexed guards stood completely vulnerable to the pepper spray attack the disguised person unleashed. At that identical moment and with perfect precision, an identically clad individual appeared and pepper sprayed the remaining guard. The song started again and the group stood and repeated their earlier actions. The two disguised individuals entered the truck during the second chorus. The duo ignored the cash, and seized two medium size pouches filled with precious gems, then rushed to waiting motorcycles, making good their escape. Approximately 45 seconds had elapsed from the start of the robbery to the twosome’s escape.

The boom box continued to play the same song for two minutes and then an electronically altered voice said “Go home children” and the tape self-destructed. Individually, the group slowly regained their composure and were shocked to see the three guards still writhing in pain. The police arrived and transported everyone to headquarters in a bus. Most of the seniors didn’t know anyone else in the group and had no recollection of what took place. The only common thread was they all enjoyed the children’s song, “Ring around the Rosie.”

Marvin and Brenda sipped drinks and enjoyed a sumptuous meal at a five-star restaurant several hundred miles from their latest escapade. Their manager had called and told them about a new town filled with senior communities near Toronto, and a bank that distributed gold mini-bars.

Marvin said, “I bet the Canadians will enjoy playing Ring around the Rosie. Eh!”

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3 Responses to “Ring around the Rosie”

  1. gepawh says:

    You’ve quite the imagination Marc. An excellent story but even more so, a fantastic diabolical plot! As always great creativity!


  2. This creeped me out and gave me chills. I guess it was the 55+ reference. 😀 As always, I love your stories.


  3. jrowe2328 says:

    You have created a new episode for a 60’s UK show, The Avengers, for John Steed and Emma Peel to figure out. Great work! Love your stuff, great imagination.


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