Lillian (6 continued)

“Lets go see Phil and pick his brain over the details of this case,” Carl said.  He and Remus picked up their case files and went up to Philip Forbish, MD’s office, the Police Departments shrink.

After reviewing the details of the 6 homicides they currently had on their hands, Phil gave them his preliminary musings, “I’m sure you guys have a good idea that these homicides are a psychopath’s work.  The perpetrator certainly shows a lack of regard for human life and these case files indicate plans carefully executed, no pun intended.  The clues from the victims themselves indicate someone practicing a skill to a further purpose, with no indication of any intention to stop.’

’The fact that your evidence indicates a female psychopath only makes your job harder in that society does not expect this and is not likely to see her coming.  If “she” follows Hare’s findings, not only is she conscience-free, she is also manipulative and bent on winning, self confident and fearless .  By your case files, she is intelligent and has, so far, made few mistakes.  You boys watch yourselves here, if you corner her, she will not hesitate.”

“Thanks, Doc,’ Remus said, ‘we’ll keep our guard up on this one!”  as he and Carl left the Dr’s office and carried their files back to their desks.

“Let’s go over your list of females involved in surgery and see how many we can find that fit our profile’, Carl began.  

“Of the 7 female surgeons,’ Remus related, ‘only 1 is under 40 years old, 5 are married and over 50, with the 2 singles being the under 40 and a 48 year old ophthalmologist.  4 of them are 5’6’ or taller leaving 3 of them the height that our coat might fit.  Of those 3, only the 48 year old eye Dr is slim enough to fit the coat.  We won’t cross anyone off yet, but the rest of my list will have younger possibilities and unless all of our 30’ish Johns were into older women, we’re on to the surgical nurses and medical students.”

“How many of your surgical nurses practice within our downtown area near Tufts,’ asked Carl,’ let’s look at them first”? 

“12,’ Remus replied, ‘and they breakdown this way, 8 are 45 or older with the other 4 are 29 to 37.  Of the younger 4, it would engulf one and the other couldn’t get her arms in the sleeves, she’s 180lbs, that leaves 2 the coat would fit.  Now is the tough part, the med students!   There are 160 med students at Boston Univ. in various years and specialties and about 1/2 are female.  I say let’s look at your Bar list and hunt for local hangouts for our vics, then we can check video tape and compare anything we catch with these photos, I think that is a better shot.”

“Works for me,’ agrees Carl, ‘faster than culling through 80 females from just Boston U.”  He pulled up the list on his computer which listed each victim, his address and a list of bars or pubs within a 7 (7 was Carl’s lucky #) block radius of the address.  

Carl’s computer list:

Vic #1, Jason Bicks, 30 years old, found in his apartment on Otis St., near Tufts,  almost 4 months ago, missing his left lung and esophagus.

Vic #2, Woodrow Jessup, aged 33, home in Dudley Square, found missing one lobe of his liver and his spleen.

Vic#3, Luther Willis, aged 39, Dwinell St in West Roxbury, found missing 4’ of small intestine.

Vic#4, John Bays, 35, Sudan St in Upham’s Corner, missing right kidney and gall bladder.

Vic#5, Eric Foster, 34, W Morgan in Upham’s Corner, missing prostate and pituitary

Vic#6, Ed Wilson, 34, Pembroke St in Columbus, missing appendix, thymus and right testicle.

Vic#7, Larry Harris, 32, Myrtle St in Brookline, missing a heart

Vic#8, “George”, Amanda Carlyle, 37, female in transition to male, missing uterus and ovaries, Bowdoin St in Roxbury

“ These last two turned up in the last 4 days, the heart guy was almost mummified, he was found near a heater vent that dried him out pretty good, the vent exhausted out through the roof, so no one smelled anything earlier”, Carl read off his list, “ George / Amanda came in 3 days ago after missing work and one of her “Brothers” called her in missing.





About jrowe2328

the more I read of history and religion, the less sure I am that I have ever correctly understood what I learned as a child.
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1 Response to Lillian (6 continued)

  1. Good synopsis. Showed the difficulty of police detective work and how much they had to go through to narrow down the list of potential killers. Good job!


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