Terror at Three A.M.

Jolted upright from a sound sleep as if tasered, I reached for the bedside phone. My mind raced in all directions; none of them good ones.

  • Mom had a heart attack.
  • Dad had a stroke.
  • Our son was lost under an avalanche while snowboarding on a black diamond trail.
  • Our daughter was arrested.
  • One of the grand kids was missing; no news from the search party

My hand trembled as I put the receiver to my ear. The woman’s voice was calm and reassuring,

I know you’re having trouble sleeping because you can’t sell your timeshare. We can help. Operators are standing by.”

Marc Sacher
March, 2019

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2 Responses to Terror at Three A.M.

  1. And anger kept you from getting back to sleep, right?


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    Very funny! We’ve had all those other calls, so I’m glad it was only about the timeshare!


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